Make Karma/Collector NPC's vendors

Make Karma/Collector NPC's vendors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


If you are playing event you will have some items you do not want. That don’t sell for much. But if you go to a collector npc. He might have something cool to give you for your junk.

Karma/Heart vendors also Collector NPC, like the ones in the first GW.
*NPC makes you something if you bring them what they want.
*Add a fee in silver to make it a cash sink.
*Should be unlocked when heart is filled
*Some Collector NPC’s might require items from more than one zone.
*Collector NPC’s will asks for trophies, items, karma items
*a new bank section just for trophies
*Collector NPC’s rewards would also be soulbond.

waypoint ideas:
1. waypoint travel sales to selected areas.
2. free waypoint tickets as drops
3. waypoint buffs
4. waypoint credits towards a free waypoint ticket.
5. free travel to home city

Drops for downscaled players:
*More chance of higher level item drops “1 out of 10 kills”

This idea will not change how karma vendors work. It would just add a new option too them.  

These ideas will give downgraded players more of a reason to farm a low level zone and create meta events.

(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)

Make Karma/Collector NPC's vendors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Reasons why is this is good

*Some people miss the traditional quests.
*collector NPC’s are in the first Guild Wars.
*Something to do while waiting for events it the area.
*It also gives trophies a new use other than just selling to a vendor

Combine this with more high level dops for downscaled players. It could be very profitable.

Combine this with a trophy area in the bank

(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)

Make Karma/Collector NPC's vendors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Collector NPC could sell other things then armor and weopans:
*better mats then the area.
*wappoint tickets
*event items

Make Karma/Collector NPC's vendors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


An I explaining this right? It’s a common sense kick kitten idea.