Make Krait/Naga into a Playable Race

Make Krait/Naga into a Playable Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lancaeron.1524


Who here would like it if we could play as Krait/Naga, or some kind of Merfolk race? I know I would! For jumping animations, they could coil themselves into a ball, then spring forward/upwards. Armor, have the regular torso, and make leggings and shoes wrap around the tail. Who here is all for this?

Make Krait/Naga into a Playable Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: ipan.4356


Ask for Krait – you get Quaggan.

They won’t allow “evil” races – but my gut tells me that Kodan and/or Tengu will eventually be playable.

I look forward to playing the Kodan, Tengu not as much.

Make Krait/Naga into a Playable Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kalarchis.8635


The krait, as evidenced in the recent living story, are firmly entrenched as enemies. They won’t be playable anytime soon, if ever.

Tengu, however, already have a fully modeled capital city and spent the breadth of GW1 transitioning from enemies to allies. They’re the clear choice for the next race, and I can’t wait.

Make Krait/Naga into a Playable Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


The Krait consider themselves inherently better than any other race and would quite happily wipe them from the face of the Earth.

The Naga aren’t exactly friendly either.

Not to mention that trying to make armour work on them would be a nightmare – it’s not just a simple case of ‘make leggings wrap around the tail’ because the existing armour uses textures and models that wouldn’t fit on a tail. You would actually have to create new models and new textures in order for it to work in any capacity. So not going to happen sorry.

Largos are your best hope for an aquatic race – they’re humanoid so adapting armour to fit them would be a far simpler process.

But like Kalarchis pointed out, Tengu are wayyyyy more likely.

Make Krait/Naga into a Playable Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I would love Krait/Naga as a playable race too. To my knowledge, no MMO (or any RPG, for that matter) has ever allowed players to be a serpentoid race. Reptilian humanoids, yes, but not serpentoids. Krait are highly unlikely to ever happen, but Naga may be a possibility if/when a Canthan expansion is released. The original Naga were not really hostile to humanity; they only turned to raiding to survive after the Jade Wind unleashed by Shiro destroyed all of their traditional homes and hunting grounds.

The Tengu will almost certainly be the next playable race if ANet ever releases more. They were originally slated to be the 6th playable race, but got cut due to lack of time.

Kodan are another solid possibility, but I think there’s two major factors against them:

1. They share too many gaming clichés with Norn (big, powerful, arctic-dwelling race) for them to really stand out on their own.

2. Male and female Kodan look almost identical to each other, which means that player customisation would be very limited. This is a big no-no when it comes to MMO’s.

Make Krait/Naga into a Playable Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


Haha seeing a krait doing 100 blades should be quite bad xD