Make Night Time Darker

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: WhiteRat.5761


I would like to see darker nights so that the stars and all the ambient lights Pop at the moment I can hardly tell the difference between day and night because there always seems to be a spotlight on me, aside from my sylvaris head glowing that’s the only time i can really tell its nigh time.

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sunny Side.7960

Sunny Side.7960

i totally agree, nights aren’t really that dark and the spot light bugs me.

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: AlienMagi.7102


I agree…. I can’t seem to recall nighttime at all actually

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hommit.5204


night must be DARK. If there will be torches/lamps/other “light” items, that would be perfect (atleast in some locations for mood sake)

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: TwiceDead.1963


I agree. And make them last longer.

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Incendia.6725


Usually I play with the sun glaring into my eyes and it’s a pain when it goes into night time since then it’s even harder to see. I think the current brightness gives you that spooky atmosphere but still lets you see clearly. I would opt for a more dynamic night. Since GW2 is all about dynamism why can’t the day/night cycle be too? For example it’s night time, brightness goes down, but as the night progresses it gets progressively dark. I’m not sure this has been implemented but it’s certainly not very noticeable, at least to me.

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: sAdam.5876


I agree.
For the first week of the game I thought that there were no day-night cycle.
I mus look specifically into sky to see that something changed, even shadows are the same as in day-time.

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drakoon.7592


I only see night when my hair is glowing. Yes I’m sylvari.

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


Maybe I’m the only one, but I certainly have no difficulty telling the difference between night and day in Norn territory. Granted, I really never can tell outside of there.

I think having darker nights would be fun. As someone who’s not exactly fond of the dark, I think traveling in the desolate Norn territory would be rather eerie at night time. =D

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yata.8932


yeah I don’t know, I can always tell if it’s day or night. You do realize that without bright artificial city lights and things like that, that nigh time is actually not pitch-black typically. But I see what you mean maybe a tad darker, however the game still needs to be playable at night, I do want to see where i’m going without too much dificulty.

I would just really like a syncing of the cycles. Like, if I’m in the Bloodtide Coast and the sun just set, I should not go into Lion’s Arch and see that it’s about noon or whatever.

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Graevarg.4871


yes – a true deep night would be a simple way to add a whole new flavor to already-played content areas. This deserves to be a serious item on the near-term item list.

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Would like this, as well as night time events, mobs etc.

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: sAdam.5876


There was disscusion before launch of first BWE that maybe some skills will work differently during day/night. Of course that would be pain in the neck to balance but idea is cool.

Make Night Time Darker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vzur.7123


Least make it an option, that would be really nice.