Make PvP players pay...

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Currently, PvP players get 100% free trait/equipment…

So when a new meta comes out, in 5-10 mins, they can sort out there new builds and be back to playing what they love PvP…

PvE/WvW players face huge costs in gold/badges of honour/dungeon tokens/laurels to change builds/adapt to new meta, sometimes by the time we get it spot on the meta changes again.


I think PvP players should start paying a gold cost for trait changes and 1 laurel per equipment changes. Then they would know how PvE & WvW players feel. Only when the pain is shared will you understand…

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mighty Assasin.3816

Mighty Assasin.3816

They don’t earn any gold doing sPvP.

The Prestige [pTg]

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


They don’t earn any gold doing sPvP.

Tough, neither do WvW players after paying for upgrades/siege…

They will after get there feet dirty in PvE like WvW players after do…

If made to pay they would only after do the PvE daily to afford trait changes/laurel cost. 20 mins wouldn’t be a big deal but would allow them to understand the pain PvE & WvW players have on a greater scale…

PvP’ers have it far too easy atm…

(edited by Meglobob.8620)

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Naattori.9378


I don’t get your point there.

You can’t take pvp gear outside pvp.
And inside pvp areas it is zero income for gold/karma/laurels anything but the pvp currency (glory in case you didn’t know) and zero outcome too = balanced?

You can take pve gear to wvw and vice versa and you earn gold/karma for doing them so what’s the problem there?

PvP is fine as it is and the best system in any mmo

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mighty Assasin.3816

Mighty Assasin.3816

You can get laurels in sPvP from the daily ^ otherwise valid points.

What? I only do WvW and I make like between 5-10G(depending on drops) in about 4-5 hours. Upgrading and Siege are optional purchases, usually commanders and large guilds do that stuff.
So you want sPvPers to go out and farm gold by doing PvE. So they can do sPvP, where gold is unobtainable?
Btw… retraiting is like 3 silver… It’s not bank breaking.
sPvP and PvE in this game are two totally different things.

You spent time leveling up to level 80 right?
They didn’t. So they should all have to level those toons to lvl 80. That would be fair right?

The Prestige [pTg]

(edited by Mighty Assasin.3816)

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


sPvP and PvE in this game are two totally different things.

If they are 2 different things why are balance changes out of sPvP applied across PvE & WvW?

If sPvP & tPVP were completely cut off from PvE & WvW then there would be no problem…but skill/trait changes always come from PvP and applied to the whole game…so its not separate…

(edited by Meglobob.8620)

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

You definitely have no idea how unrewarding PvP is compared to PvE.
That’s why i swtiched to PvE now and i can see myself farming 10g in about an hour. So prob in a week you have your gear together and you’re done. What’s the prob?

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


You definitely have no idea how unrewarding PvP is compared to PvE.
That’s why i swtiched to PvE now and i can see myself farming 10g in about an hour. So prob in a week you have your gear together and you’re done. What’s the prob?

How many laurels do u get in a week? Whats the cost of a ascended amulet?

I have played loads of PvP…

So everytime a new meta comes out its fine that we after farm 10g, is that what your saying, PvE & WvW players are unimportant? That they are expected to grind, grind and grind abit more?

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mighty Assasin.3816

Mighty Assasin.3816

I’m 100% sure you’re a troll.

I understand your mainly a PvP player and want it to remain 100% free and eveything across the game to be balanced around it, so you are trying to close this discussion down…

You failed to check my edit.

The Prestige [pTg]

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


I’m 100% sure you’re a troll.

I understand your mainly a PvP player and want it to remain 100% free and eveything across the game to be balanced around it, so you are trying to close this discussion down…

You failed to check my edit.

That I like!

I have no problem at all, if sPvP and tPvP is kept 100% separate from PvE & WvW and has 0 influence of those 2 parts of the game…

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

You definitely have no idea how unrewarding PvP is compared to PvE.
That’s why i swtiched to PvE now and i can see myself farming 10g in about an hour. So prob in a week you have your gear together and you’re done. What’s the prob?

How many laurels do u get in a week? Whats the cost of a ascended amulet?

I have played loads of PvP…

So everytime a new meta comes out its fine that we after farm 10g, is that what your saying, PvE & WvW players are unimportant? That they are expected to grind, grind and grind abit more?

Well, A-Net is deciding that PvE has to be a grind, like PvP is a grind too (not for gold but for other things). If you look at the content A-Net is offering the PvE-playerbase you should know that PvE is the priority of GW2.
What you basically want is that this game offers you everything, max stats etc, without any effort to do it?

And by saying PvP should be payed to have the gear, you clearly don’t understand the philosophy of PvP in general.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Empathetic Fighter said:

And by saying PvP should be payed to have the gear, you clearly don’t understand the philosophy of PvP in general.

I think you answered this in your previous sentence:-

Empathetic Fighter said:

What you basically want is that this game offers you everything, max stats etc, without any effort to do it?

Because the only crowd in GW2 to get EVERYTHING for free and for zero effort is the sPvP & tPvP crowd, everyone else pays…

(edited by Meglobob.8620)

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

The PvE players can pay because they actually earn gold for doing stuff. PvP-Players don’t. So what you want from the PvP-Population? Farming PvE to unlock PvP-gear?
You must be silly.

PS: Great job on taking two sentences out of its conetext. Shows me clearly you hav no other valid arguments to bring up.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

(edited by Empathetic Fighter.2065)

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


The PvE players can pay because they actually earn gold for doing stuff. PvP-Players don’t. So what you want from the PvP-Population? Farming PvE to unlock PvP-gear?
You must be silly.

I want the tPvP meta to stop effecting the PvE & WvW meta…is that hard to understand?

If that happens then continue to play for 100% free and grinding your glory…

Also, you can earn a little gold from unidentified dyes, when you open them up, if one is a rare you can sell it on TP…I am sure that wasn’t intended and is a bug…after all your not mean’t to earn 1 copper in PvP, right?

(edited by Meglobob.8620)

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

The PvE players can pay because they actually earn gold for doing stuff. PvP-Players don’t. So what you want from the PvP-Population? Farming PvE to unlock PvP-gear?
You must be silly.

I want the tPvP meta to stop effecting the PvE & WvW meta…is that hard to understand?

If that happens then continue to play for 100% free and grinding your glory…

Also, you can earn a little gold from unidentified dyes, when you open them up, if one is a rare you can sell it on TP…I am sure that wasn’t intended and is a bug…after all your not mean’t to earn 1 copper in PvP, right?

The meta changed barely since release in PvE. It is still zerk-gear. The only thing you have to change are the traitlines and mabye the weapons. It’s not a big deal tbh. That’s costing you some silvers and for a new exotic weapon + sigil about 10g.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


The meta changed barely since release in PvE. It is still zerk-gear. The only thing you have to change are the traitlines and mabye the weapons. It’s not a big deal tbh. That’s costing you some silvers and for a new exotic weapon + sigil about 10g.

I agree on the PvE meta, its zerker gear and always has been…

But, what about WvW? You go all zerker in there and you will die 2-3 secs into any fight…you after have a certain amount of toughness/healing/vitality to avoid that…

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


The moment people need to start paying for gears in PvP is when it becomes pay2win. Rich players will be able to change spec to flavor of the month while nerfed builds have to sit back and suffer.

The whole point of the auto-leveling and free access to everything is to give everyone a equal footing.

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! –

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


Also, if you’re forcing PvP players into PvE, would you be happy if you were forced into PvP? Say if you had to win x amount of tPvP/sPvP fights before being allowed into a dungeon or onto WvW?

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! –

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


The moment people need to start paying for gears in PvP is when it becomes pay2win. Rich players will be able to change spec to flavor of the month while nerfed builds have to sit back and suffer.

The whole point of the auto-leveling and free access to everything is to give everyone a equal footing.

I agree with you completely…

However, a nasty side effect of having everything for free, is pvp players are constantly pushing for the meta to be changed, which is then applied across the entire game…

Also, poor/time limited players in PvE & WvW are being unfairly nerfed and having to make do with inferior builds just like you say would happen in PvP…

So is the PvP player a V.I.P. in GW2? Royalty perhaps? Untouchable by the developers? A special case?

I am confused (or perhaps I am using irony/sarcasm here, this is the internet folks you after point those things out or they go over peoples heads…)

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spencer.1386


Currently, PvP players get 100% free trait/equipment…

So when a new meta comes out, in 5-10 mins, they can sort out there new builds and be back to playing what they love PvP…

PvE/WvW players face huge costs in gold/badges of honour/dungeon tokens/laurels to change builds/adapt to new meta, sometimes by the time we get it spot on the meta changes again.


I think PvP players should start paying a gold cost for trait changes and 1 laurel per equipment changes. Then they would know how PvE & WvW players feel. Only when the pain is shared will you understand…

What is this I don’t even…
Why would Arena.Net charge gold costs in a game type that has no gold rewards. WvW has gold costs because foes drop loot and events grant gold. Spvp does not.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
- Mike Obrien

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

PvE players feeling discriminated because they don’t get everything served on a gold-plate, besides the huge patch-content they get every month…cough.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


I agree with you completely…

However, a nasty side effect of having everything for free, is pvp players are constantly pushing for the meta to be changed, which is then applied across the entire game…

Also, poor/time limited players in PvE & WvW are being unfairly nerfed and having to make do with inferior builds just like you say would happen in PvP…

So is the PvP player a V.I.P. in GW2? Royalty perhaps? Untouchable by the developers? A special case?

I am confused (or perhaps I am using irony/sarcasm here, this is the internet folks you after point those things out or they go over peoples heads…)

There are ALWAYS people pushing for “buff X, nerf Y”. It’s not restricted to PvP players.

As for the rest – PvE WvW doesn’t need to have equal footing. Those players will still have issues getting gear whether you force PvPers to pay or not. Unbalancing PvP further won’t change that.

The whole thing is a trade-off. They don’t need to pay for gear, but in return they only have access to that little corner of the game. If they want to see the rest of the game, they need to pay to gear up like everybody else.

If you think being restricted to that little corner for the bonus of free gear is worth it, then go there yourself. It’s two different game modes that you are trying to treat as the same

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! –

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blimm.5028


This thread and especially this post tell me why I love GW so much. In other games like WoW you have to grind PvE for PvP stuff and it wars totally normal, and it sucked.
Now Gw2 went another way and people think like this

So what you want from the PvP-Population? Farming PvE to unlock PvP-gear?
You must be silly.

Such a fast adaption tells me free PvP is the best design decision ever.

Think With Portals [TWP]: 4th of 16 at cup
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: zengara.8301


You lost it!? How in the world will this improve anything.
PvP is meant to be fair game vs fair game. If you really like PvP, then you want the PvP to be improved to a core level, put deathmatches in, put simple maps in. Change ranks so you wont meet bad players, change builds be4 getting in, pay to announce tournaments througout your server or every server for a high fee etc etc……

This suggestion is in no way going to support the game, this is not even a suggestion, its more of a “how to ruin PvP”

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Terrible suggestion, don’t agree.

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Obviously the PvP crowd like 100% free and don’t want to pay anything…don’t blame you…after having something for free for so long I would hate to pay too…

What if they introduced limited rewards but also costs?

So everyone on a winning team gets 5s per match won? But you after pay exactly the same as what PvE / WvW players to change your traits currently, which is 3-4s…you would thus actually, slowly make gold..

Would PvPers like this and changes like it to do with equipment?

Non of this is pay to win btw…because pay to win is when you can spend real $ to improve your stats…

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


I can’t see the issue, personally:

  • PvE players can still use the free trait specs and gear to their advantage for theorycrafting.
  • SPvP is meant to be playable as soon as you drop in. Having a startup cost defeats the point of that.
  • SPvP players still have to grind if they want to play PvE and WvW, while people going into SPvP don’t. Remember, people who SPvP don’t neccessarily play just that game mode.
Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


What if they introduced limited rewards but also costs?

So everyone on a winning team gets 5s per match won? But you after pay exactly the same as what PvE / WvW players to change your traits currently, which is 3-4s…you would thus actually, slowly make gold..

Would PvPers like this and changes like it to do with equipment?

Non of this is pay to win btw…because pay to win is when you can spend real $ to improve your stats…

Or how about this for a radical solution:

Leave it as it is.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. It won’t make a difference to your PvE game-play experience in the slightest either way, so why complicate somebody else’s it if it’s not necessary?

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! –

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hitman.5829


Absolutely disagree! NO NO NO NO, NEVER.

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Op, you realize spvp is about player skill. Nothing costs money, nothing brings money in. If a new player joins spvp from the start how are they supposed to make a build?

Also the stats in spvp are much more restricting than pve/wvw, it’s not like they’re getting a Twilight when they enter and look bad-kitten. The ONLY progression in spvp is skins (some skins cannot be earned until higher ranks).

Instead of suggesting a punishment to s/tpvp players (which already have enough) you should suggest a seperation of more traits/skills, which they already do to an extent. Telling players to," just pve, it won’t take long" is non sense. If they only wana play spvp then let them, don’t drag them to other aspects of the game just because its “fair” in your eyes. Play it your way..

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)