Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fey Zeal.7032

Fey Zeal.7032

Please make Rank and Abilities account wide(the new Rank and buffs you can earn in WvW). I don’t want to be forced into playing a single character to earn high levels in something that, I feel, should work like Achievements do.

I can display “Been there done that” on any character and spvp /Rank is account wide, why not this?

(edited by Fey Zeal.7032)

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashanae.9362


I was asking about that yesterday, all i got are answers is our choice to play more then one char.

Considering estimated time to get max rank per char is 2000 hours i need only 672 days to get max rank on all my chars if i will be play 24/7 with no sleep or other activities during this time.

Maybe anet should consider to remove all char slots but one with that politic.

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fey Zeal.7032

Fey Zeal.7032

I was asking about that yesterday, all i got are answers is our choice to play more then one char.

Considering estimated time to get max rank per char is 2000 hours i need only 672 days to get max rank on all my chars if i will be play 24/7 with no sleep or other activities during this time.

Maybe anet should consider to remove all char slots but one with that politic.

I have 8 characters too and I will never be able to spend the in game time souly in WvW to achieve max on each one.

It hurts Anet to limit anything to one character from a business stand point. But apparently they don’t like money and just want to alienate their fan base. If they don’t want to encourage players to play more than one character, then they are shooting themselves in the foot. People who are rewarded for being able to have more than one character, are more likely to spend cash at the in game store to aid their characters (or purchase slots to create new ones). Bag slots and armor skins for example. Which there are almost no armor skins, they could make mounds of cash of of if they farted cool armor skins out…. and other such character specific items.(I’ve seen so many players with the blue Quaggan backpack and store armor equipped.) I fail to understand how their store works, they don’t produce enough armor or town clothing skins in any timely manor. Games like HoN, LoL and DotA2, seem to come out with characters AND skins almost weekly. But if they want to be ridged… no matter how innovative gw2 is they will loose none dedicated fan base. Although I suppose those people have already left.

All though I can’t say any of this is true because I’m just basing it on what you’ve said. Maybe they realize it would be beneficial to make WvW ranks account wide or maybe there is a key reason they don’t want to that, I am missing.

I feel though Anet that you are ignoring how beneficial it is to make as many things account wide as possible such as Titles. Dye, Fractal Level and Story Mode completion are also aspects I feel should be account wide. Although I suppose making dye account wide would cause the dye on the market to sky rocket in price.

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: SilencedScream.2167


This is comparable to limiting badges and blueprints to one character – it’s absolutely silly and would take MANY more times as long to get anything accomplished.

Fortunately, badges are shared by account.
Blueprints can be transferred by dropping (pressing ` while holding) for a friend, and having them drop it back for your other character.

Because of this, I’ll only ever be using 1-2 characters for WvW and will likely -never- max out either. Poor decision, in my opinion, and needs to be changed to account-wide.

Henge of Denravi – [SAS]
Duct Tape Applied [Charr Ranger]
A Roll Of Duct Tape [Human Guardian, Commander]

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Question. When you leveled your first character to 80 in PVE levels did you get your next character automatically at 80?

When you crafted that Legendary with that one character, did you other ones get it to?

What about your fotm level? Or your dungeon story modes?

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

The decision was criticized widely before it was implemented. I have 8 characters and obviously I don’t have time to level them up all in WvWvW. The commander title should also be account wide. Now I am limited to using engineer as commander (thanks for my guildies for donating money, I am still needing to pay back 40 g to a nice guildie).

A lot of Anet design choices are against versatility. You can only do 1 daily Laurel, meaning that it will take forever to get ascended accessories for 8 characters without doing Fractals.

A lot of professions have just 1-2 valid, efficient builds. Some profession are clearly more powerful than others. Yet Anet keeps buffing the already powerful choices, while nerfing the least popular choices.

Every update has made zerging just more and more popular.

It is as if the Anet design book reads “Versatility is bad”. :-(

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Baelnorn.5710


Question. When you leveled your first character to 80 in PVE levels did you get your next character automatically at 80?

When you crafted that Legendary with that one character, did you other ones get it to?

What about your fotm level? Or your dungeon story modes?

Yeah, it should definitively be the same as glory rank and the locker. You know, the thing that shows off your individual skill with a single character in sPvP. I mean, how silly would it be to get to glory rank 30 on your thief and when you switch to necro still have the same rank. Or if you earned a rare nice looking drop of medium armor on your warrior to switch to ranger and use it. That’d be completely ridiculous.


Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fey Zeal.7032

Fey Zeal.7032

Question. When you leveled your first character to 80 in PVE levels did you get your next character automatically at 80?

When you crafted that Legendary with that one character, did you other ones get it to?

What about your fotm level? Or your dungeon story modes?

This is the wrong way to think of it. It is a Rank like in sPvP, it is not a character level. Do you think each character should have their own sPvP rank? It’s practically an identical concept but for WvW.

As for Legendaries I’ve heard, in rumor, Anet was considering to make them account wide.

Fractal of the Mist Level should be account wide as well as Story Modes to Dungeons. These server little purpose, except to lock you into using one character. It wastes time forcing you to mindlessly grind your way back to the same place.

Personally I see unlocking and leveling as different concepts. I am unlocking FotM levels, Story mode Dungeons, sPvP Ranks. They are all being unlocked. Not leveled, regardless of how analogous wvw experience or glory points are to experience points for leveling. Another Key diffrence is you keep earning sudo “levels” with characters which gain you skill points. You gain nothing for regrinding these other mediums except to have unlocked them on a different character. (And yes, I am ignoring that you gain items when play through Fractals on lower levels because you are barred from earning the ascended items, such as rings or the crafting materials. You are unlocking access to these drops. So my argument still holds.)

Also in regards to completing explorable areas (World Compleation) upon doing so you earn two Gifts of Exploration.

In short I see it as you unlocking WvW Rank, sPvP Rank, FotM Levels, and unlocking Explorable Mode by completing Story Mode. You may be earning ranks but you do not earn/gain a spendable currency or items.

The Commander Title should also be account wide too. But it should have from the start required, in the cost to unlock it, Badge of Honor in addition to the 100 gold. This would ensure you have individuals who actually earned it(in some respect) and not simply bought it, to scream for attention.

I will grant that their should be somethings that are character specific like World Completion but this does not mean that everything should be. Having to unlock something as extensive across all characters, simply locks you into using a single character or wasting your time.

Maybe FotM should remain because you can earn the boss chest per character, each day. But for WvW Rank and the others I have discuses you do not unlock something that allows you access to earn currency or items.

(edited by Fey Zeal.7032)

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


The ideal is to make you work for something, give you something to work for longer than a few months, it is content that makes you want to keep playing. Regardless of weather you agree with it or not, to say it is a bad business decision is silly in and of it self. They are making it so dedicated WvW players have something for a long term goal and keep them coming back playing. Much like a sub fee does in other games.

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


the closest thing WXP relates to in the game are Skill Points and Experience. Skill points are not account bound or shared, nor are any other skills in the game. Experience is not shared.
Considering the above, what makes you honestly think WXP should be different and be account bound/shared?


Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fey Zeal.7032

Fey Zeal.7032

The ideal is to make you work for something, give you something to work for longer than a few months, it is content that makes you want to keep playing. Regardless of weather you agree with it or not, to say it is a bad business decision is silly in and of it self. They are making it so dedicated WvW players have something for a long term goal and keep them coming back playing. Much like a sub fee does in other games.

Achieving this on a single character will likely take months of in game time. So it is a long term goal account wide or not. Now do that seven more times, assuming you have one of each profession and it will take you over a year of in game time. In game time, as in not just over several months but literally the time you need to log.

And again I’ll say, so you all obviously want sPvP to be per character?
They are both Ranks, are they not?

In all honesty Anet has the power to do what they want. It was just my opinion that it only hurts them and the community, it doesn’t mean I am right.

I find it frustrating they strived to make so much of the game account wide and yet this is not.

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fey Zeal.7032

Fey Zeal.7032

the closest thing WXP relates to in the game are Skill Points and Experience. Skill points are not account bound or shared, nor are any other skills in the game. Experience is not shared.
Considering the above, what makes you honestly think WXP should be different and be account bound/shared?

You obviously can’t comprehend that Glory is sPvP experience and that sPvP is account wide.

My argument about skill points is that, they separate Normal Experience from being the same as WvW experience. As they are form of currency which you do not gain anything similar to through WvW experience.

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


Comparing sPvP that gives you all gear, levels you to 80 instantly and gives you all skills free with no effort involved to PvE/WvW where you start with nothing and only get things through effort is nonsensical. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. sPvP even uses a different rule set for skills/abilities.

Does Glory unlock actual abilities? NO. You get skins and cosmetic stuff that makes no difference to actual gameplay.

you use skill points to unlock utility/elite skills … you use wxp points to unlock seige/damage reduction skills.


Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fey Zeal.7032

Fey Zeal.7032

Comparing sPvP that gives you all gear, levels you to 80 instantly and gives you all skills free with no effort involved to PvE/WvW where you start with nothing and only get things through effort is nonsensical. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. sPvP even uses a different rule set for skills/abilities.

Does Glory unlock actual abilities? NO. You get skins and cosmetic stuff that makes no difference to actual gameplay.

you use skill points to unlock utility/elite skills … you use wxp points to unlock seige/damage reduction skills.

What are you talking about, WvW levels you to 80, so you are wrong there. And it is your logic that makes no sense. comparing WvW Rank to sPvP Rank make perfect sense. They are both ranks, how is that illogical.

You are grasping at straws, drawing on differences of the game mechanics as justification for why the two Ranking systems, which are comparable, should not be account wide. Game mechanics should have little to do with why these two Ranking system should or should not be considered account wide.

Most of all, you fail to explain how the time scale for achieving maximum rank is short enough of a long term goal for WvW players that it should remain per characters. Someone mentioned 2000 hours of in game time for a single character. It is not fun for, and I would venture to say, the majority of the community to do this across 8 characters when you receive no rewards and almost negligible buffs.

And those buffs, not skills or abilities, are negligible. Further those buffs are not profession specific like traits and abilities. So I see using those buffs, as little justification for not making WvW Rank account wide. Needing to unlock them across multiple characters makes them pointless if you change characters regularly or even infrequently.

Oh and in sPvP you can receive major rewards that can be used account wide alongside your account wide Rank. Another hole in your logic.

You need to stop comparing a Rank to a Level it is not the same.
You ignore what I say in response to you and then continue to repeat your poor illogical responses.

(edited by Fey Zeal.7032)