Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gakesupo.4152


Just saw a fellow ranger walking around with a great looking coat, so I asked him to ping it and it’s the trooper’s jerkin.

Now I can’t find it on the blc so I look in the wiki and it is a story mode reward…

I completed my story months ago and picked another reward(you can pick 3)
And since it’s soulbound on acquire I can never have this skin.

This doesn’t sound right to me, that’s why I’m suggesting a store that updates every story mission you completed. That way you still need to have finished the story mission but you can’t miss a once in a lifetime opportunity like this.

Perhaps put it in fort trinity after the completion of the story?

What do you guys think?

Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

in Suggestions

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Pretty sure you can get the story mode skins from certain karma vendors in the world.

Welcome to my world –

Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

in Suggestions

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


No. If you choose a different reward then that’s your own fault. You can’t say, if you liked it why didn’t you accept that reward of the one you picked? That would seem like the logical thing to do. As Emikochan said, every reward you get from story mode is placed somewhere else in the game too, normally crafted or from karma somewhere.

Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

I know that there’s a particular one that is sold by karma vendors from Fireheart rise through orr
There are a couple others though, I’m sure they’re found elsewhere in the world

Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gakesupo.4152


I can’t preview the rewards before I picked them right?(maibe I can it’s been a very long time) If we indeed can get the skins from karma vendors that would be great. But if that’s the case then the name is different or the wiki not complete.

And eliteZ, it’s a bit my fault for not caring for skins at that time. I was also already lvl 80 and the armor is for lvl 77 so I would probably have sold/salvaged it anyway back then.(not knowing it could never be acquired again)

It’s just a bummer to have no chance to ever get that particular skin again, and in my opinion it should be fixed.

Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

in Suggestions

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


You can preview weapons/armor from rewards yeah, when they come up in the little menu thing just right click and preview, maybe anet disabled this when they took out preview for different armor types ect, but the last time I did a story quest they was previewable.

I didn’t mean to sound rude on my first comment either, was quickly writing it aha and just now seeing it is a bit rude. I just mean when I was lvling up I cared more about the looks then the stats so whenever I had a choice I always picked the best looking armor, but not all are like me and some prefer the higher stats.

I would help you find the armor, but i’ve not got a clue with medium armor i’m afraid, but the troopers sounds to me like the orr karma vendors (not the 80 exotic ones)

Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


You can’t really rely on the names(which is unfortunate). Your best bet would be to use the PvP locker and preview each armor to see which one it was and post a screenshot. Some items in the PvP locker have names that match the PvE sets but many do not.

Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

in Suggestions

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


I googled Troopers armor, isn’t that the CM exp gear?

Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gakesupo.4152


Thanks alot! I visited some temples it wasn’t there, was just about to make a pvp locker post when I saw your cm suggestion:) And that’s the one!(or at least eerily similar)

I’ll update the wiki to prevent future confusion.

Thanks for the replies(Since this is obtainable somewhere else I think other soa items are too, so that makes this threat obsolete.)

I’m off to grind some tokens!

Make Soa story rewards buyable from npc

in Suggestions

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Pretty sure you can get the story mode skins from certain karma vendors in the world.

Not always karma vendors, but yes, you can get them from various other places in the world. Most are from crafting, I think, but they’re all from somewhere.

It’s just that the personal story items have unique names, not unique skins. The Trooper’s armor set is the Caudecus’ Manor armor set (kind of odd that you can get a dungeon set from personal story…).

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.