Make TP->My Transactions lists timestamps more accurate

Make TP->My Transactions lists timestamps more accurate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


It’s no just rounding everything down to “a few seconds ago” when you might have sold the item hours ago. It should perhaps show as follows:

“A few seconds ago”
“Less than 15 mins”
“Less than 30 mins” (i.e. > 15mins, but <30 mins)
“Less than 45 mins” (i.e. >30 mins but <45 mins)
“Less than 1 hour” (i.e. > 45 mins but <1 hour)
“Less than 2 hours”
“Less than 6 hours”
“Less than 12 hours”…..etc, etc….

Also, please allow us to sort the “My Transactions” List, maybe even filter it as well?