Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: ezzekhiel.1390


Hello everyone,

I was wondering why the level 80 T3 cultural armor is only Rare and not Exotic. I was really tempted to buy it, but given the price, I feel scammed for armor that has no max stats.

119 gp for a complete Set is really much, and for such an amount of money I think you could expect Exotic gear level. Each piece is 5 to 10 times more expensive than crafted lvl 80 Exotic Armor, for a cool skin okay but only Rare stats.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!


Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: RobertBC.7485


100% support this. It needs to be exotic to justify the price.

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eva.1628


I purchased the Sylvari Firstborn cultural set, and transmuted the appearance to a crafted exotic set with attributes relevant to my build.

The cultural armor system does not provide any variety of attributes to meet the requirements of the multiple types of character builds; I believe they serve a vanity purpose only.

The cultural weapon system is the same way; I do not believe there is any reason for them to be exotic, when they can simply be transmuted to any existing item of choice

(edited by Eva.1628)

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: CaveSalamander.9150


Personally I don’t find the stats desireable at all for my build, but I can see how this could improve someone else’s day

As for my 2 pieces of copper, maybe drop the price so the set is only 100g (by Ogden’s hammer!), and make them stones instead- like the gem store skins- no stats of their own with the freedom to bind them on any lv80 gear you want.

My quest is to find the dorito.

(edited by CaveSalamander.9150)

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: ezzekhiel.1390


Personally I’m Norn, and the cultural armor set bonus (Vitality, Toughness and Power) is a combination not obtainable through crafting. Besides, I am aware that you can transmute it into other armor pieces, but given the exorbitant price of the T3 cultural Set, “ruining” an additional Armor set just to obtain skin + stats just seems folly.

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eva.1628


Besides, I am aware that you can transmute it into other armor pieces, but given the exorbitant price of the T3 cultural Set, “ruining” an additional Armor set just to obtain skin + stats just seems folly.

I can also understand why some people may not be comfortable with this. In the original game, there were sets of armor that were ridiculously expensive, and people simply sought them for the appearance. I feel as though cultural armor in Guild Wars 2 is meant to be interpreted the same way, and the attributes applied to them are supposed to be somewhat irrelevant. I would honestly feel comfortable if there were no attributes on them at all. However, doing so would make the armor entirely useless on it’s own.

Personally I’m Norn, and the cultural armor set bonus (Vitality, Toughness and Power) is a combination not obtainable through crafting.

I can certainly understand trying to obtain the armor for a unique set of attributes. However, if cultural armor were exotic, and did have attributes that were unattainable by other means, it might change the feelings people have toward it. People may feel pressured to buy the armor, and it would no longer be viewed as the prestigious vanity armor it is.

(edited by Eva.1628)

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


There’s really no reason not to. If you can afford T3 cultural then the price of 80 exotic gear to ’mute over it is peanuts.

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Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: ezzekhiel.1390


There’s really no reason not to. If you can afford T3 cultural then the price of 80 exotic gear to ’mute over it is peanuts.

As I said, in some cases Crafted Gear does not provide the stats you need. It’s kind of frustrating to have a gorgeous set with stats you’re looking for, but only in Rare.

I almost find Eva’s solution appealing, removing all stats and make them apply a skin to an armour set., like the Primeval armor from the BLTC.

Generally, I would be interrested in some Game Design argument from Arena, why the opted for this.

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arshness.3216


Agreed. My wife just dropped the huge chunk of coin on 3 cultural armor pieces and was very upset when she realized they aren’t exotic. (She’s color blind and somehow overlooked the text…)

It really should be exotic for that large of a chunk of coin. Come on guys… 30g a pop and you can’t give exotic stats?

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I also support making them Exotic. As ezzekhiel mentions, some of the armor have stat combinations that are not available through crafting, and while I understand that the high price of T3 armor is largely due to its “prestige”, it still seems excessive when you compare it to T1 and T2 cultural armor (which are both also unique in appearance, but their costs are orders of magnitude less).

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: doctorcomics.2053


This has become even more relevant now that Ascended gear has been introduced. I did not like spending 120gold for a suit of armor that was inferior by one degree of quality … But spending that much money for armor which is inferior by TWO steps actually makes me kind of mad.

Make Tier 3 cultural armor Exotic. It will still not be the best armor in the game. Players who need to have the best armor in the game will still go out, get that, and transmute their Tier 3 armor.

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


+1. 20g for a skin? I’d rather have a story line at that point explaining why this piece is soo rare. Same for Legendaries, atm if you got the $ to dish out, you can buy nearly every single material to make them. WHAT? Or, just zombie grind your 200g or w/e of mats to make it. Both cultural and legendary skins are just out there, it isn’t a real adventure or challenge :/

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lewiis.6457


I totally agree they should be exotic, I’m currently saving up for them but 119g for good looking rare gear ? considering you can buy a full exotic set on TP for less than 20g dosen’t really make sense, unless ANet consider the looks of cultural gear to be worth 100g. But still, i’m a sucker for the human t3 heavy set !

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Agyaggalamb.4796


Well, given by the price range, make it Ascended. That should eliminate a bit of the QQ about the recent update. It would still be expensive, but at the same time, cool looking.

In parallel with that, there should be some new vendors introduced that are able to upgrade your Exotic gear to Ascended tier for a reasonable price, 1-10g a piece. Keeping the skin, the stat combinations, but upgrading stats and adding infusion slots. This way the easy to obtain max gear status quo remains, while the cooler/rarer skins are still something to work for.

Of course this system would be there also if/when Anet introduces new gear tiers. The vendors would be able to upgrade n-1 tier items to n tier items (where n is the currently obtainable highest tier gear). Also, this would not be exclusive to the highest tier. Let’s say if from 3 months now there are new tiers, you would not have to own the second best set in order to be able to obtain the best at that time.

Your exotics could be a starting point to upgrade to ascended, then ascended +1, and in the end ascended +2. But what is important is it to have a set and reasonable price, so not a price for an upgrade like the price for the tier 3 cult set has.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks for reading.

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: yarpen.1364


Why you want stats on it? You want also as I suppose different combination of them. We have now 8 crafted stats + soldier, rabid etc. It’s just bad idea.
For me they should change this armors (the same with cultural weapons) to skin item (like from HoM).

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Well, given by the price range, make it Ascended. That should eliminate a bit of the QQ about the recent update. It would still be expensive, but at the same time, cool looking.

In parallel with that, there should be some new vendors introduced that are able to upgrade your Exotic gear to Ascended tier for a reasonable price, 1-10g a piece. Keeping the skin, the stat combinations, but upgrading stats and adding infusion slots. This way the easy to obtain max gear status quo remains, while the cooler/rarer skins are still something to work for.

Of course this system would be there also if/when Anet introduces new gear tiers. The vendors would be able to upgrade n-1 tier items to n tier items (where n is the currently obtainable highest tier gear). Also, this would not be exclusive to the highest tier. Let’s say if from 3 months now there are new tiers, you would not have to own the second best set in order to be able to obtain the best at that time.

Your exotics could be a starting point to upgrade to ascended, then ascended +1, and in the end ascended +2. But what is important is it to have a set and reasonable price, so not a price for an upgrade like the price for the tier 3 cult set has.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks for reading.

That is a very good suggestion. The pricetag on cultural sets definitely place them in Ascended range. Upgrade option will be also needed – not only due to th new tier, but also because of rumours of future max level increase.
Imagine having a full set of ascended armor when that level increase comes in – you’d have to grind for a full set again. Upgrade vendor could solve that problem.

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Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


T3 cultural being rare is just Anet’s way of forcing players to buy fine transmute stones imo.

They should change it or lower the price, it would be the right thing to do.

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alfador.7649


T3 cultural being rare is just Anet’s way of forcing players to buy fine transmute stones imo.

They should change it or lower the price, it would be the right thing to do.

The logic here falls flat.

1. No one is “forcing” you to buy anything. Gear at level 80 is primarily a cosmetic decision tree anyway.
2. If you can shell out 20 gold for a piece you can get over it and shell out another gold for gems to buy fine stones.
3. Exotic gear is already easy to get.

It’s pretty disturbing to see people complaining so much that they have tor spend a couple gold and 20 minutes to make their “look at me” set have decent stats.

Better suggestion: Charge the same, make them all skins. That way people can shake the mistaken impression that cultural armor is about stats.

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Naoko.7096


Cultural tier 3 are just for looks. If players are willing to fork out 120g on those skins, what difference does it make to fork out an extra 15g on full crafted exotics?

It really doesn’t matter if it’s rare or exotic. Cultural armors cost an unreasonable ton is because it’s being made to look as prestigious skins. Only the very few can afford them that makes the owner feel special that they accomplish something.

I can suggest that they make it into a skin item instead of gear item.
This won’t misled players to think that it’s for gears.

E.g. The halloween weapon skins from BLC which you can apply to a weapon.

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I totally agree they should be exotic, I’m currently saving up for them but 119g for good looking rare gear ? considering you can buy a full exotic set on TP for less than 20g dosen’t really make sense, unless ANet consider the looks of cultural gear to be worth 100g. But still, i’m a sucker for the human t3 heavy set !

I’m kinda saddened that we are forced to just buy cultural armour. They didn’t add some cool quest line or a story to get them. I really feel that many of these end game contents are just grinds for gold because developers ran out of time or got lazy. Really wish cultural and legendary skins were a sort of adventure and enjoyable experience to add onto our list of things to do.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: rchu.8945


I totally agree they should be exotic, I’m currently saving up for them but 119g for good looking rare gear ? considering you can buy a full exotic set on TP for less than 20g dosen’t really make sense, unless ANet consider the looks of cultural gear to be worth 100g. But still, i’m a sucker for the human t3 heavy set !

I’m kinda saddened that we are forced to just buy cultural armour. They didn’t add some cool quest line or a story to get them. I really feel that many of these end game contents are just grinds for gold because developers ran out of time or got lazy. Really wish cultural and legendary skins were a sort of adventure and enjoyable experience to add onto our list of things to do.

they need to make a profit, I certainly dont blame them for making it that you have get other exotic armor pieces and transmute stones to get the result YOU want, not everything in game or in real life should be had for free, ya know?

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Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mai Eternal.7469

Mai Eternal.7469

@ Anet if you could comment on this thread I would appreciate it.

@ ezzekhiel.1390

I wholeheartedly agree that for mere cosmetics it’s just made superfluous to the other armors out there – and I agree that there needs to be an exotic cultural armor set.

Here’s why I believe each set should be more than just cosmetics: Each race has a different set of attributes(For eg Norn have power, vitality and toughness and other races have different combinations etc) – I like that this breaks away from the “norm” of Item nomenclature.

I don’t agree that ANET should change the current T3 rare – but build upon it. Make T3 Armor the base requirements for an exotic T4 Armor set. Similar to how legendary weapons are created, only with less expensive materials. This can lead onto the requirements for an Ascended T5 Set. Thus we develop and build upon the economy, lore and depth rather than changing or destroying what already exists

Hope this difference in perception will inspire the right people in the right way =^.^=