Make Tonics Sellable on TP.

Make Tonics Sellable on TP.

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


In light of the fact that costume brawl is here to stay, in order to keep the content available for all players, I suggest making the tonics from Black Lion Chests sellable on the TP.

In this way, those who spend mass caskittens for them will get something other than an endless supply of tonics. Some of us have Endless Tonics anyway, negating our need for the consumable ones.

I would assume that once the Halloween event ends, the cauldron on the mystic forge will disappear until the Mad King comes ’round again next year. That could, conceivably preclude any player who already used their keys from their story-line, maps, etc, from being able to gain access to a costume without gems.

By allowing selling of tonics in TP you promote the sales of your keys, and you make the costume brawl easily accessible to all year round.

Just my 2 cents on the issue. (This might resolve some of the OMG I spent 100$ and got no skins complaints as well, because they would be able to get gold for their money.) There is certainly no shortage on tonics, so I don’t think the TP price would be too outrageous either…

Make Tonics Sellable on TP.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


If they did this, prices of most tonics would be ridiculously low on the TP. Everyone has so many just lying around in their bank or inventory except for those who consume them for no reason. Most people would want to get rid of them. If the only reason for owning tonics is for costume brawl, and you already own an endless tonic or a costume with a toy, then why would you ever use the regular tonics for costume brawl? I agree that it would be nice to be able to sell them but then they would have to introduce something similar to the Party Animal title in the first game, so people would actually buy them to consume them, thus increasing the demand and price of them.