Make Vistas Reviewable from Anywhere
This would indeed be quite nifty. I adore some of the vistas. It’d be a nice way to quickly sell the game—er uhm I mean… show off those great graphics to friends!
This would be a lovely feature. I’d suggest requiring you to have discovered the vista first, but then having it in a “library” you can access, or just click on it on the map to trigger it wherever you are.
This would be a lovely feature. I’d suggest requiring you to have discovered the vista first, but then having it in a “library” you can access, or just click on it on the map to trigger it wherever you are.
Yah, you’d have to unlock it in play first.
But once you did, clicking its map icon should launch it.
Either map icon or have a “Vista Lista” on the ‘Hero’ UI that lists all completed vistas in a ‘replay movie’ type fashion.
*IE: Final Fantasy X – Luca Sphere Theater *