Make a third tab for combat costume.

Make a third tab for combat costume.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


it is a separate tab for combat skin costume,

they will change the mechanics of transmutation stones.

the desired combat costume will become statless and becomes a pure skin.

e.g. i want citadel of flame to be one of my costumes, i will simply transmute them to become a skin that will go to the third tab dedicated to combat costume, without fusing it to my current set,

in that sense i can make a lot of costumes to mix and match my taste

just to illustrate, red box for combat costume, yellow for armor, blue for town costume( i sux at image creation )


1. this will encourage players to collect all dungeon armors for the sake of fashion, without sacrificing their current stat choice,

2. increase in the purchase of fine transmutation stones

3. mix and match of items will have a HUGE array of possibilities


(edited by Oldgrimm.8521)

Make a third tab for combat costume.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


This is a interesting idea. To have two skins on the same piece of armor.

Maybe there could be a way to control what skin some other see.
Ex: your guild could see each other fight in city clothing but other players will see the normal skin.

(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)

Make a third tab for combat costume.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


i just find it hard to let go of my skins,

i transmuted my AC gear to Falcon set, and got tired of the look, and transmuted it again to citadel of flame set,

Make a third tab for combat costume.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


I’d prefer to see all skins treated as individual elements that can be permanently saved via T-stones, into some kind of storage locker for later use.

Anyone with access to the Hall of Monuments knows that they can always return there to grab a skin that they’ve unlocked in GW1. GW2 should use a similar system for all of it’s skins. T-stones unlock them and a special NPC gives you access to them. That way you never lose something you’ve acquired, either via T-stones for skins found in game, or with gems if they were purchased from the gem store.

Your customization options would go through the roof because you never need to worry about saving gear in your inventory, just because you might want to have access to that skin someday. I can guarantee I wouldn’t have 108 basic t-stones sitting in my inventory right now, if I knew that when I used one, the skin I grabbed with it would be available to me forever. Right now, I only use them when I’m pretty certain that I’d be using the skin for a long, long while. That certainty is pretty rare though, so those stones go unused.

Make a third tab for combat costume.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

I’ve already suggested an improvement to transmutation system in one of the threads I’ve made. It was bit similar to what OP has suggested.
Instead of 1 combat clothing though I suggested that there should be more pannels which could be purchased in the gem store.
Moreover, to put an item into cosmetic armor slot, you would have to use transmutation stones. This however would not destroy the item, just so you would be able to use it in the future. The transmutation stone would oly copy item’s appearance into proper cosmetic armor slot. I think it is necessary as alot of the armors are expensive and so having to get it over and over again is stupid. Acquiring cool armor should be a one time goal or else it will get frustrating. And please dont mention gear sink as this argument is highly invalid.

All in all I think current transmutation system sucks and should definitely be improved. To be hoenst with you I haven’t used it yet, because I don’t like it at all and i think it’s a waste of money.

(edited by Smelly Bookah.6957)

Make a third tab for combat costume.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


There could be blank ‘combat costume’ pieces you can craft get from karma/gold/dungeon token vendors and get with gems in bulk.

Transmutation stones would still be useful, as you’ll need them to apply the skins to the blank costume pieces.

Ten, you could put the combat costume pieces into the combat slots.
And actual armor skills would still be important, as by hiding/showing combat pieces you would quickly get multiple combinations to mix and match both sets.

No exceptions!

Make a third tab for combat costume.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

There could be blank ‘combat costume’ pieces you can craft get from karma/gold/dungeon token vendors and get with gems in bulk.

Transmutation stones would still be useful, as you’ll need them to apply the skins to the blank costume pieces.

Ten, you could put the combat costume pieces into the combat slots.
And actual armor skills would still be important, as by hiding/showing combat pieces you would quickly get multiple combinations to mix and match both sets.

dont you think there are more simple solutions to the problem? Like the one I suggested for example?