Make events scale
I’ve never actually had this happen to me, even when auto-attacking I still get a gold. So I’m not sure if this is a problem, or maybe your doing something wrong. Maybe others can weight in, get some agreement on what is going on, if at all.
i’m guessing cureforliving wasn’t doing maw- or if they were, they did it on a lower pop server.
i’ve fought the maw easily 75 times on various classes of character, and it’s been a personal goal each time to see if i can get all golds (i like to imagine it’s an achievement to get a perfect score on the maw lol)
that said, i’ve gotten gold on every event of the chain fewer times than i can count on one hand.
on my higly populated server, at the times that i play, it’s simply superhuman to not pop a silver or bronze on at least one part, no matter how hard you try.
and what’s worse? getting done killing the portals only to run back to the boss JUST IN TIME for him to die! Nuked by all those people who just stood there instead of participating in the pre-event (we have 40 or 50 ppl standing there often times- tho it could be more, as it’s hard to tell with culling).
doing the entire chain up to the boss, then missing out on the boss because he was nuked before you could run across the ice to him—- that’s just insanity. not to mention how VERY ANGRY one can get when it means you didn’t get the chest, because you couldn’t even tap the boss!
other issues with the maw (just continuing with the OP’s example) – between the 1st event (protect camp from grawl) and the 2nd (escort scholar brogun)- people head out onto the ice before the escort even starts, and completely clear all the mobs from the ice. there’s nothing to protect the scholar FROM during the escort quest, as it’s all been killed already. lucky if you can get bronze by killing a moa or an ice ele at the end.
2) sons of svanir that he summons come in two spots, but both die so fast that you can only do one or the other, but not participate in killing both sets. one set has a veteran, so i usually kill the others first, then try for the vet if he’s still up, but he’s either dead or it doesn’t count as part of the event, because the only times i’ve gotten gold on BOTH the guards AND the shaman he summons have been at around 4am when there are only 20 or so ppl doing the fight.
3) as i said before- people don’t have to do the pre-events, but can stand at the boss and just nuke him down when the final event pops. he has so little health he dies in a matter of seconds, so regardless of how much you’ve participated, you are lucky to get a hit. the more this happens, the more people give up on pre-events and join the crowd to nuke the boss, not willing to risk missing their chest. a degenerating cycle.
just on a last note- maw and behemoth are starting zone bosses. how much damage could REALLY be expected of a level 1-15 toon? regardless of how many level 80s are there, that character should STILL be getting credit for participating. it is, after all, the event they have access to.
basically: scale boss’ HP to accommodate how many people are present. scale damage required for credit to take into account the level of the toon AND the number of other people present.
(edited by Ent.1026)