Make it easier to see red circles on the ground. [color blind mode?]

Make it easier to see red circles on the ground. [color blind mode?]

in Suggestions

Posted by: StoneSmite.8365


As someone who is color blind i have real hard time when it comes to dodging aoe attacks. The ground indicator for those aoe attacks are simply too thin and it is sometimes confusing when many circles are stacked on top of each other. My suggestion would be to give players option to change the color of the rings into more desirable and distinctive color, or simple have the entire aoe circle colored in.

Make it easier to see red circles on the ground. [color blind mode?]

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


I am not color blind and still have issues seeing the circles especially when there are a lot of other things going on on the ground. This is exacerbated by the fact that most of the circles seem to appear as the ability is going off so its too late to do anything about it anyways. Cast bars would definitely assist in seeing if something needs to be done to avoid being hit.

Make it easier to see red circles on the ground. [color blind mode?]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silvertaurus.6481


Color blindness is often missunderstood by people thinking its seeing all in gray =P
But as ‘color blind’ you might understand any issue in recognizing colors/shades, so Its hard to tell what problems people can have.

I for one can see all colors fine.
The only problem comes by very dark or very bright colors. Its usualy not an issue.. but sometimes there are problems in details.
In games most often its dark red<—>black. And thats most common colors for Health bars in many games.
For example I had lots of issues in Diablo2 seeing boss health bars (dark, pale red on shady/black background).
In GW2 very often I have troubles in telling which of many moving HP bars are low, which are full. If I just could make them thicker it would help greatly.

Similar thing is with AoE red circles. When its circle on snow its no problem… but if there are multi colored rocks, many spells effects flashing around its hard to notice.

Make it easier to see red circles on the ground. [color blind mode?]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kinyn.8451


The thin red line is definitely a probably for me. If it is against white or another light color I am fine, but any browns or greens and I can barely see it. I don’t think this is color-blind specific, but the lines need to be more visible. As a red/green, blue/yellow color blind person I would LOVE to have the option to choose colors (for someone like me things like blue/purples, red/pinks/green/browns all blend together if near each other in similar shades). For example, League of Legends was nearly unplayable for me, then I noticed their color blind option and suddenly I was able to see the difference between teams, etc. To have an option like this in this game would be very appreciated.