Make skill chains visible in the menu

Make skill chains visible in the menu

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lokiron.4386


This must have been suggested before, but here it is.

I don’t understand why chained abilities do not display their sequential skills in the menu, that is in “Hero menu – Skill and Traits – Weapon Skills”.

As it is, it is a good interface for comparing weapons on classes with lots of weapons, since they seem to calculate damage (and other numerals) based on current stats. Therefore, you don’t need weapons of identical stats to compare them. This, however, falls short without the sequential skills.

Make skill chains visible in the menu

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lokiron.4386


I suppose no one cares, because experienced players don’t need that menu to know about their skills? That’s fair, but I still find it a silly lack in UI quality.