Make soul bound account bound
it’s very easy to account-bind sb items. make sure you have plenty of transmute stones! if you need lvl 80 gear, use the silver ones; below 80, use the gold ones.
on character item is soulbound to, purchase white pieces of armor (i go with the lowest level possible, so i can use them asap on my new alts) to match the pieces you want to account bind.
open up ’mute boxes
in one side, put the item you wish to make account bound, in the other, put the corresponding piece of white armor
the ONLY exception that i’ve found to this, which i do NOT understand, is the level 80 karma gear from the temples. with those, since they introduced the splitters you must use the ‘mute splitters. why this makes sense is beyond me, considering ALL karma gear that is sub-80 can be ’muted with the stones, but hey, i don’t work there, right?
Soulbound is fair in general.
And – as Isende points out – you can effectively acct transfer items via transmutation stones, so you already have a lot of flexibility.