Make switching equipment/attunement not attack the nearestkittenenemy

Make switching equipment/attunement not attack the nearestkittenenemy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crash.9186


I can’t stress just now annoying this is, I’m running down an area where there’s some agro mobs about, I switch attunement on my ele and it decides to just start auto attacking the nearest thing like some sort of muppet, If I wanted to attack the bloody mob then I would do so, I don’t see how switching attunements in this game = auto attack the nearest thing in front of me as all it does it make me run slower, other mobs catch up to me and can cause potential death which it already has.

Make switching equipment/attunement not attack the nearestkittenenemy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frvwfr.4307


Pretty sure there is an option for this in the settings…

(99%, double checking now. Will report back.)

Make switching equipment/attunement not attack the nearestkittenenemy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Virulis.2683


This happens on my elementalist only when I have something targeted because certain traits are specifically for this, damage/heal based on the attunement your changing to.

Make switching equipment/attunement not attack the nearestkittenenemy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


Keep in mind that when you change attunements, a small spell casts. If you change to fire, a small fire nova goes off, which might catch an innocent Moa in its wake. If that happens, you’ll start attacking it.

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