Make your own dynamic events

Make your own dynamic events

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreyHunter.7932


Hey everyone

I haven’t seen a thread about making your own dynamic events
so I thought I’d start one

It’s simple: make a dynamic event that you would like to see in-game
but keep in mind

  • It can chain out into other DE’s
  • It can be completed in a certain amount of time
  • Multiple players can take part in the DE

Other than that let your imagination go wild!
But I doubt we’ll see a ‘’Catch the Flying Pink Unicorn’’ event, so within boundaries of course

Make your own dynamic events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


How exactly do you suggest this be added to the game? Will players be able to make suggestions of Dynamic Events to the team, or will they literally be able to “build” a dynamic event ground up which be submitted into the game?

I’m a little confused as to whether or not this is meant to be suggest dynamic events or what.

Make your own dynamic events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jhu.3965


I think he’s just doing it for fun man, calm down.

Make your own dynamic events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I think he’s just doing it for fun man, calm down.

Woman * but okay haha.

I was merely asking a question. Unfortunately, this is the internet so people tend to read comments in their own tone of voice… If people don’t question the suggestions, then sometimes they aren’t going to get anywhere. I’m not opposed to creating dynamic events, but I am unsure as to how the OP wanted this to be added because s/he did not include any details.
