Makeover Kit Suggestion
Seems Nice..
Google “Grow uP” e Faz a Apply..!
Play Hard, Live Fast, Win Moar..!
Yes. I would change my hair style or color more often if I could change it at will and not have to fork out gems each time. And how about make-up? I would pay if I could change make-up at will.
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Thank you kitten in a keyboard. Honestly on this issue i think they should go “WoW” with it and implement an in game gold based barber instead for fiddly things like hairstyles and make up..Then again that’s just me.
Haven’t tried this yet, does the kit bring up the original character creation screen showing the sliders, as they were, when the character was created?
@Kyle – yes, but it’s smaller and doesn’t take up the whole screen. There are vids of it on YouTube.
Agreed, I think a more expensive permanent makeover kit is a good idea. Especially since I’m hoping that ANet will add more character customization features, particularly more faces and hair for the sylvari.