Making NPCs matter more

Making NPCs matter more

in Suggestions

Posted by: OptimistPrime.9283


Now, I start this rant off by stating that I do not have an answer for my problem, and this probably is only an issue in my own eyes. But here is my main concern:

Our characters are not presented as “saviors”. Our stories are not to be the “chosen ones”, because we aren’t. We are a rag-tag bunch of characters who fell into the roll of heroes by making our own destinies. We weren’t born to be great, but through our personal story lines, we become great, through hard work.

So, my main issue is this – Why do so many zones require players to be there to save the day? If we aren’t the chosen one, and take a back seat to a Treherne even, why are our presences as players THAT important?

This isn’t an issue in most zones. In fact, my ONLY issue is with Orr. It feels less like humans versus zombies, and more like “are conditions perfect? No? Okay then try again in three hours”. Yes, Orr is over run by the undead. That is obvious. But the NPCs are absolutely powerless in this battle, and there just isn’t enough player strength to make any amount of difference. Even with a group of 20, the Balth event is absolutely hit or miss. Can you honestly tell me that the NPCs would launch such an attack on a God without at least believing in their own strength?

I am not saying make events easier. I just want to have the NPCs have a fighting chance on their own. We aren’t saviors, as players. We had this same issue with Rurik in GW1 – Being second in command but doing all of the work. This is our story, yes, but I would rather take a back seat and watch the world fend for itself than have to be everywhere at once.

If I were to suggest anything, maybe give the NPCs a break for certain events. Like, if a group is going into a CLEARLY suicide mission, then okay. Let them die miserable deaths. But if the group is attacking the gates of Arah, and the player just spent the events prior getting the NPCs ready to attack, maybe give the NPCs a buff that simply gives them an even footing with the undead horde. The goal of these events was to change the world. If the player fails the pre-events where they help the NPC get ready, then sure. It makes perfect sense why the attack would fail. Because we failed, it changed the world for the worse. But if the NPC is completely ready, and fails anyways, it makes no logical sense. The players shouldn’t make THAT much of a difference.

At least make it a battle and not a hopeless battle in Orr. Everywhere else generally has enough of a player-base to not matter as much. But Orr is miserable in an empty server, especially when these areas are required to get karma armor.

Just my 2 cents.

Darkhaven’s giant purple cat thief thing

(edited by OptimistPrime.9283)

Making NPCs matter more

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rei Hino.5961

Rei Hino.5961

Hm well the npc’s only role in guild wars 2 seems to be to run around and die I replyed to this post because I have myself witnessed this even in a normal area char area eailer today I rezzed 3 char they had to been doing like 1 hp of damage each and being owned. As this game is still new and they doing rebalacing a lot of things I hope this is fixed soon don’t want them killing everything but spendign the time to rez them in a fight they pop up just to fall back down it im like..okie im not rezzing you again…make the npc’s able to stand there own low attack power make sence they don’t have to kill anything just don’t die every time something breath on them. and Yes I feel your pain Optimist doing map completion with a elementalist though orr.

Making NPCs matter more

in Suggestions

Posted by: OptimistPrime.9283


Yeah. I understand why the NPCs die often – They aren’t players. Why should they stand as much of a chance as us?

But the game presented us with the fact of “Everyone can be a hero”. I don’t see why that can’t transfer over to the NPCs as well. We constantly battle veteran and champion mobs that take forever to kill. I don’t see why we can’t have one on our side helping once and a while.

Darkhaven’s giant purple cat thief thing

(edited by OptimistPrime.9283)

Making NPCs matter more

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rukh.9287


One small point- balth event isn’t against a god. It’s actually against a corrupted high priest of Balthazar, just like grenth event isn’t against grenth, it’s against a risen priest of grenth.

As far as your question- actually NPCs are doing 99% of the work holding the world together, its just they’re doing it when you’re not there. ^.^ If they did the work, you don’t see the event and you don’t know they did it. They fought all through Orr without you being there, all the way to the steps of the walk of the gods. They just need a little extra help if you happen to be around.