Making world bosses less annoying

Making world bosses less annoying

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saraphina.6930


Some of the world bosses taunt WAAYY too frequently. For example, in Mount Maelstrom, the Champion Infinity Coil Commander taunts every 3-5 seconds. Its really annoying, and it spams up my chat. I literally have to mute Guild Wars to shut him up… And it’s not like I can go up and kill him, because lets face it, it’s near impossible to take a Champion by yourself. Not impossible, but near it.

The same with Xolotl in Quetzal Bay. “PROVE THE SUN SHINES THROUGH YOU.” Oh my god I’m going to punch you in the face stupid frog lady…

So can we like.. make that less annoying? or at least have an option to mute world bosses so that I can actually listen to the in-game sounds without my ears being assaulted?

Making world bosses less annoying

in Suggestions

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


Not only bosses, but every NPC in the game can shut the hell up — I go to div’s reach to craft some stuff and have to constantly hear moaning, grunting and chatter that repeats every second for 5 seconds every 10 seconds.
The NPCs that get players’ awareness of ongoing events are no better, they usually begin repeating their annoying monologues even before their initial one finishes. And unlike with bosses — we can’t shove a blade through their face.

Making world bosses less annoying

in Suggestions

Posted by: CodeE.4857


The champion undead captain in southern cursed chore to. Ugh…me an ranger spent an eternity 2 manning him just to shut him up.

Making world bosses less annoying

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saraphina.6930


There should be a separate sound slider in the options panel specifically for NPC volume. Even if I could quiet them for a little while sometimes I don’t mind the atmosphere of the NPCS talking, but other times, they’re annoying as hell … :|

Making world bosses less annoying

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shifted.6912


“I hadn’t take a leave of my senses! I’ve seen creatures of metal and steam!”


Making world bosses less annoying

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


“this is a bad day to buy whine”
“but it’s a great day to drink it!”

i wish i could slap that drunk sylvari and the poor friend of her.
but i also love them… the boss are spamming very far, i can totally hear the boss outside crucible of eternity wherever in the map:
“your failure is only funny if you try”
edit: quotations errors

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