Manually drawn weapons, permanent toggle

Manually drawn weapons, permanent toggle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kibbles.9813


As most Charr players already know, you can change from a quadruped run (with your weapons stowed) to a bipedal one (with your weapons drawn). In the options menu exists a keybind option to manually draw / stow your weapons, but outside of combat it only lasts around 15 seconds before they’re put away again.

I would like to propose the option (perhaps a checkbox) of having your manually drawn weapons remain that way until you put them away again using the same key. This would not affect the current mechanics, and would be a nice way for Charr players to choose one walking visual over the other. What do you think?

Kynn Snagtooth [TCFM] – Tarnished Coast

Manually drawn weapons, permanent toggle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


I don’t mind. If it’s something that Anet can do with little effort, then sure. More options is always good, and it would not really affect me anyways.

Manually drawn weapons, permanent toggle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Syphenion.5064


Well, this’s the same thing I’ve suggested, though not just for Charr players. As a roleplayer, I use the sheath command a lot as well, though I think the button should toggle the weapon to be sheathed or not. We really shouldn’t have to resort to tapping it every few seconds to pull our weapons out again.

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(¸.•´ (¸.•Alloy~ Piken Square Roleplayer~