Map Completions and Alt's

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nooka.8390


It is my opinion that map completion should be cumulative across all the characters on an account. Furthermore, zone completions should be easier on the 2nd, 3rd, etc, times through. Perhaps having only to complete all the heart’s and POI’s to get the map completion. Any waypoints I have unlocked should already be available for my new characters.

Having cleared most of the map on my main, it’s very disheartening for my alt’s to have no waypoints available. I have 2 80’s and am at level 70 on my 3rd character and chose to level this guy primarily by finishing all the crafting skills I have not yet made to 400. Well, now I’m done with that and I’m at 70 and this character only has 15% map completion.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: theMrCravens.7683


I was just about to make a post about this.

I’ve currently started on my alts after 2 months of running with my main Asura, and am a bit demoralized when I see the empty map I’ve worked hard to 100%.

I KNOW I could just skip the second map completion, but why isn’t this stuff account bound to make it more “fun”.

I’m guessing the problem lies with the map completion rewards.

Perhaps having only to complete all the heart’s and POI’s to get the map completion.

I’d accept a total Heart reset, but not POIs.
Vistas, WPs and Skill challenges shouldn’t be reset either.

Skill points should be Account bound IMO. It would fix the problem here too.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kasaeva.4691


I agree that it is definitely disheartening to see an empty map after working so hard to complete it. I agree that waypoints, vistas, and POIs should be completed across the account. However, hearts need to be reset or else we’re going to have to grind killing random creatures and events to level.

In addition, skill challenges should not be account bound because that limits the number of skill points you have. Your alt currently has the opportunity to gather his/her own skill points to spend as he/she sees fit. If you take that away and make them account bound the only way to gather skill points is by leveling and you have to share all the skills points across all your characters. Meaning that for 5 or however many characters you make, you only have the skill points you gathered the first time through the maps on your main.

I see why they may not want to make everything account bound though because then you haven’t really earned the completion boxes the same as everyone else. They might feel then that the rewards should be lowered for alts. However, I still think waypoints would be a good thing to hang onto so that we can easily get to the map we want to level in. At the very least, the opening waypoints when you first walk onto the map.

Sea of Sorrows

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nooka.8390


Yes, hearts and skill points only (for map completion) after the 1st time around would really increase the replay value of this game for me.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


I disagree. It would make leveling harder on alts and force you to complete every zone on the world map to get to lvl 80, or force you to do dungeons or crafting (which not everyone enjoys or can afford).

I actually enjoy exploring the entire zones all over again since I always end up stumbling upon something I haven’t seen before. The vistas and skillpoints make you go out of the way and stumble upon events you may not have seen otherwise.

If they were to change this people would go from heart to heart and then complain they had nothing to do or that the leveling curve is off. Many people already have enough issues with the current leveling curve, feeling they have to visit other races’ starting zones etc. so changing this would only make things worse.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


I think part of it is account bound. Today I got Shiverpeaks competion achieve on my guardian despite not having done much in the snowy lands with her.

Larkir made the more important points already.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nooka.8390


I disagree. It would make leveling harder on alts and force you to complete every zone on the world map to get to lvl 80, or force you to do dungeons or crafting (which not everyone enjoys or can afford).

I actually enjoy exploring the entire zones all over again since I always end up stumbling upon something I haven’t seen before. The vistas and skillpoints make you go out of the way and stumble upon events you may not have seen otherwise.

If they were to change this people would go from heart to heart and then complain they had nothing to do or that the leveling curve is off. Many people already have enough issues with the current leveling curve, feeling they have to visit other races’ starting zones etc. so changing this would only make things worse.

How do you mean it would make leveling harder? Because you wouldn’t be getting as much experience because you aren’t doing every vista? Well, that could be remedied by more XP given for zone completions. My complaint isn’t about leveling being too easy or too difficult, my complaint is that I don’t enjoy repeating all the tedious steps of finding every vista and figuring out how to get to it.

It’s fortunate that you enjoy repeating vistas and POI’s. But I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in despising having to repeat this content and not being able to get around a map I’ve already explored. It quite simply makes rolling alts punishing.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: RedDeath.2980


For the legendary crafters it would limit anyone to crafting 2 EVER. In a way right now you have infinite crafts possible if you really want to delete a 100% map completed character.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


I disagree. It would make leveling harder on alts and force you to complete every zone on the world map to get to lvl 80, or force you to do dungeons or crafting (which not everyone enjoys or can afford).

I actually enjoy exploring the entire zones all over again since I always end up stumbling upon something I haven’t seen before. The vistas and skillpoints make you go out of the way and stumble upon events you may not have seen otherwise.

If they were to change this people would go from heart to heart and then complain they had nothing to do or that the leveling curve is off. Many people already have enough issues with the current leveling curve, feeling they have to visit other races’ starting zones etc. so changing this would only make things worse.

How do you mean it would make leveling harder? Because you wouldn’t be getting as much experience because you aren’t doing every vista? Well, that could be remedied by more XP given for zone completions. My complaint isn’t about leveling being too easy or too difficult, my complaint is that I don’t enjoy repeating all the tedious steps of finding every vista and figuring out how to get to it.

It’s fortunate that you enjoy repeating vistas and POI’s. But I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in despising having to repeat this content and not being able to get around a map I’ve already explored. It quite simply makes rolling alts punishing.

Sorry, I see why you might think it’s boring to have to re-do everything on your alts but I think changing this would only create more problems and there’s really no reason for them to change this. It works fine the way it is. Play any other MMORPG and you’ll see that every time you make an alt you’ll have to explore the world again since it’s the new character’s story, not the old one’s.

The way I see it, the reason why they have the vistas and PoIs is because they want you to go out of the way to experience other events than the ones you’d find within heart regions. There would be no incentive to go out of the way to experience any other content on your alts than the hearts, which would be very boring in my opinion. Also, the main source of xp and item drops in this game is events, at least that’s my experience.

Giving you more xp for zone completion wouldn’t help at all since you’d still be way underleveled while still in the zone. Do you really expect people to complete a level 1-15 zone when they’re at level 7 or 8? (yes, they will be that underleveled if they don’t do events, PoIs and vistas)

(edited by Larkir.6502)

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nooka.8390


I guess we can agree to disagree. I posted this suggestion because for me, it’s too punishing rolling additional alts. And I feel like the game lacks replay-ability.

The people I’ve spoken with in my guild and a real life friend I play with were agreeing with me 100% so it feels like a valid suggestion. Also every map except Lion’s Arch and WvW is pretty empty so seems like others feel similarly.

Maybe there could be some options with this for players that would prefer everything to be exactly as the first time around. I wonder.. do you even send gold/bags to your new alts or is that off limits too?

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I’m completely against making any items used for map completion as account bound. Everything provides decent experience that I would not like to lose out on.

If anything, all additional characters have the fog of war lifted. I’d rather have something like that than lose out on opportunities for experience.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I understand why they did it per character. It is certainly tedious to go through and do it all again on each character, I will grant you that. However, they have a reason behind it, and I think that will become even more apparent as time goes on. Let me explain.

You are looking at it as every character you take through is doing the same hearts, the same PoIs the same events, the same everything right?

Since GW2 has only been out a couple months they haven’t had time to really develop this, but despite all those things being the same, the experience should be different every time you run a character up.

Due to changes in DE’s and the world itself, much of which hasn’t been implemented yet,(lets be honest they are still working the kinks out), running through the same map a month or two later should be a completely different experience.

Your standard NPC’s with hearts and such will still be there, as will your static PoI’s such as your headquarters for the orders and things like that. But the experience you will have while completing all of these should be entirely different.

If you run your characters up and through the same maps on right after the other, then yes, it’s always going to be the same. But if you run it through later, and take your time to enjoy the scenery, you should find that the circumstances have changed.

Part of a map that was under centaur siege before might be heavily populated with bandits, making a once difficult heart easy, or visa versa.

Remember Guild Wars 2 is about the experience of getting to 80, not being 80. That experience should be different every time as long as you vary it, and don’t rush, even if you end up having to do some of the same things.

I know that I have gone through maps I’ve been in 10+ times and running down the same path, but i see things I swear weren’t there before. They probably were, but I missed them. Or I come across events that are way more interesting.

If GW2 did make it account bound, no one would have a reason to stick around in low level zones and see the amazing changes they’ve made.

Edit: On a side note, I do kinda wish there were a different way to complete cities without it. Either that or throw in something interesting to engage us while we complete them. Cities have no variability. Having bar events and random brawls or whatnot in cities would be nice to break up the monotony.

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Make it optional, if you implement it, please! I like having a blank map and getting to explore all over again. For me, that enhances the replay value.

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Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: vespers.1759


i just want the completion icon to go with the title.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


no, no, no, pls no. You do know that map completion rewards are the best way to get mystic coins right? Not to metion the other rewards and exp gained from getting the completion.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I would not go as far as making it completely account wide, but at least partially.
And not just maps. All sorts of stuff.

Reveal an area in the map? The rest get the name greyed in their maps, but the area stays unrevealed until they get there themselves.
Get a point of the map with a character? The rest get it greyed, so they can see where it is but it won’t be active until they get there themselves.
Get a recipe with a character? The rest get it in their list, but colored purple, so they will be able to see it, but won’t be able to use it until they discover or unlock it themselves.
Get commander with a character? The rest have to pay less to unlock it too.
And so on.

Not fully account wide, but small changes to ease playing with more than one character.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


It would be boring as hell to level an alt then, if a lot or everything was already done…imo.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: theMrCravens.7683


It would be boring as hell to level an alt then, if a lot or everything was already done…imo.

All I do with alts are hearts anyway (I even skip the boring ones), and complete the personal story.

I got 100% map with my main, why would I waste precious time running around for those same Vistas, POIs, WPs ? They also barely give any exp.

This is one of those design decisions that would make it more “fun” playing alts, but we still got players thinking “alts = start from scratch”. Leveling the alt is fine, but the rest (Map completion, Karma, SP, etc.) needs to be account bound.

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I would not go as far as making it completely account wide, but at least partially.
And not just maps. All sorts of stuff.

Reveal an area in the map? The rest get the name greyed in their maps, but the area stays unrevealed until they get there themselves.
Get a point of the map with a character? The rest get it greyed, so they can see where it is but it won’t be active until they get there themselves.
Get a recipe with a character? The rest get it in their list, but colored purple, so they will be able to see it, but won’t be able to use it until they discover or unlock it themselves.
Get commander with a character? The rest have to pay less to unlock it too.
And so on.

Not fully account wide, but small changes to ease playing with more than one character.

I like this idea. It seems like a very reasonable compromise. And as I just mentioned in another thread, I have had problems getting to a point I had never been to as an alt because it was not visible on my map. Not really a problem for me, but my guildmates had to add me to a party so I could see where to run to.

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