Map Zone Completion Marker

Map Zone Completion Marker

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcie.3574


the world map, needs a “Completion Marker” beside the Map zone name.
Divinity Reach (100%) or a scale bar
Straits of Devastation (99%)

Mouse over the name, to show How many Hearts/WayPoint/VistPoint/POI completed. Via World Map.

This helps knowing which map zone is completed, with out wasting few silvers just to teleport and check from “M”.

This also helps, figuring where in Krytan Explorer Achievement : 173/175

Server: Sanctum of Rall
Guild: WarFreak [WF]

Map Zone Completion Marker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


I’ve been thinking this for a while now. No matter where you look when you pull up the world map, it always tell you your progress for the current zone you’re in. Which is great. But it’d be nice to know my progress in other zones too so I know my next stop for world exploration completion. After a while, you forget which you’ve finished and which you haven’t. I’m thinking, zoom out fully and a name box appears over each zone that you’ve discovered and when you hover over it, displays your current progress.

Also, a legend would be useful. When I first started playing GW2 I had no idea what the map icons meant. Give the option to display/hide the legend for veteran players.

And apparently the level of detail displayed (with regard to icons) varies depending on if you’re in the zone or not. Look at your zone? shows trading posts, manual sellers, banks, merchants, repairs, crafting tables, etc…Look at another zone? no trading posts, no manual sellers, no crafters, no banks…Tough to find the nearest bank or LW station when in the field when that doesn’t display. Instead I’m forced to just map to the nearest major city because I know there’s one there.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Map Zone Completion Marker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marconius.8064


Could just put this somewhere in the achievements tab.

Map Zone Completion Marker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Make it like in GW1 mission towns. Add an icon that will represent your progress in that aeria Let say: a shield with 2 swords and 1 spear
- 1 sword for P.o.I.
- 1 sword for Vistas
- 1 spear for Waypoints
- 1 wooden shield turning into a metal shield for all Hearts completed