Map marking

Map marking

in Suggestions

Posted by: surrannah.8671


hi there Ive been playing now for quite a while and i like to find your little secret areas that are all over the place from hidden rich veins to stunning views and those jump puzzles the only problem is i keep forgetting where they are when i play my other characters.

so my idea is being able to mark an area on the map for any reason examples could be
jump puzzle
awesome view that’s not a vista
a good farming area
general rich node locations
and many more stuff that i cant think of right now.
Also these markers can be shared with friends & guild friends and other characters you may have.

discussion and feedback to refine the idea is most welcome

Map marking

in Suggestions

Posted by: surrannah.8671


bump! for disscusion

Map marking

in Suggestions

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


I agree that your own personal marking system should allow for located puzzles and notes that can be shared between chars.

You would not be able to use markers for material as these now change at least weekly and would be out of date. No two servers have the same material spawn locations so marking any i.e. rich ore area would be pointless.

Map marking

in Suggestions

Posted by: surrannah.8671


oh i really didn’t know that material nodes change positions :S Ive always found what im looking for in the same area i found it the first time maybe ive been super lucky with them.

i suppose that would knock node harvesting then but not area mob farming for bags and the likes then??

Map marking

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


FFXi allowed pages of your own map markers with a small title for each one. Helped alot in finding important bosses, events, mining spots, etc. Definitly look into this Anet ^^

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”