Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


At the beginning achievement points but due the fact you get those for dailies and monthlies there is just nothing but grind on leaderboards for those points and despite ANet efforts those are only for some shining trinkets that I love, but seriously those done mean a thing in the end to impress anyone or you can’t really tell if anyone knows the game at all when you look at them.

In GW1 there was meta achievement for that and it gave you a title each time you completed to the end each 5 titles that weren’t really easy to get. I looked at someone’s title and I knew hoe experienced they were.

I look on titles in GW2 and I see GWAMM, HoM titles, Golden, Ommnioative and such but that doesn’t really tell a thing. Even achievement point titles don’t really tell a thing about you. You can have 5k or event 10k achievements (if not yet then very soon) and be total noob in dungeons, PvP, WvW, jumping puzzles, map exploration and such, but they grind achievments or dailies and that’s very common now that people with more than 5k achivment points don’t have a clue about many stuff in the game.

We basically need some kind of conqueror title that would touch almost all possible categories of the game in many points and after completing 5 of those points you would progress with your title and that would be something to show as your title.
BUT there should be some must to have and others that are optional to progress at each title.

For each 5 points you get a title that you can show to others so they know that you have some bases and it would give a lot more into status of your character.

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


5 points title needs:
1. Completing at least 1 personal story (race part)
2. Completing at least 1 personal story (order part)
And 3 from optional list
10 points title needs:
1. Completing at least 3 personal story (race part)
2. Completing at Arach story (killing Zaithan)
And 3 from optional list (not counted for lover tier – 6 in total)
15 points title needs:
1. Completing at least 2 personal story (order part)
2. Completing map exploration
And 3 from optional list (not counted for lover tier – 9 in total)
20 points title needs:
1. Completing at least 5 personal story (race part)
2. Completing dungeon master title.
And 3 from optional list (not counted for lover tier – 12 in total)

Those are my propositions for “Must to have list” categories:
- getting at least 5 races story completed
- getting all 3 orders story done
- killed Zaithan
- getting dungenmaster title
- getting all bosses category titles done
- 4th rank in PvP done
- taking castle 5 times,
- taking garrison 10 times
- taking tower 20 times
- taking camp 50 times.

Those are my propositions for “optional” categories:
- getting grandmaster crafter title (all to 500)
- getting at least 1 mini collection title compleeted
- getting 90% of fractal achievements
- getting at least 1 mini game achievments compleeted
- active guild member title done
- no one left bahind title done
- teamwork gets it done title done
- all you can eat title done
- thirst slayer title done
- golden title done
- 500 hearts done
- 5000 events done
- 1000 skill points earned
- 90% of jumping puzzles done
- 90% of slayer titles done
- 90% of weaponmaster titles done
- 1 culture armor achievment done
- something from WvW but on an logical number since current achievments need real rework.
- half of current living stories metas done
- 12 monthlies done

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Have No Faith In Me.1840

Have No Faith In Me.1840

It’s a good idea, but honestly there’s nothing hard and challenging enough for the master title to be meaningful.

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I think there is, but asside from that the ida is to give you a reason to spend time in various activities (not like totaly nerfed daily) and at the same time show people that you are expirienced in a way.

There can be even more hardcore stuff at higher tiers and thats fine, peple will see even more reason to to for them.

What I postad is an idea it cam be made a lot harder or easier, but the idea worked in GW1 so good its a shame it’s not in GW2. I sure hope to finally see a reason in titles…

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


It’s sad that noone shows supooer for this.
People just want to grind not play differnt content…
Sure go for it.

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Talcmaster.7391

The Talcmaster.7391

Isn’t this basically what the titles you get for every 5K AP are supposed to be?

Fort Aspenwood – [fury], [SAO], [NICE]
Fun on someone else’s schedule is not fun

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t think we need a master title. I think we need individual titles that actually reflect the content that requires skill and/or dedication.

Most of the Living Story meta achievements have had titles, which I’m totally fine with. It’s part of the reward. However, when we get (non-exploitable) content that only a small part of the player base is going to complete, either because of skill level or time commitment, there haven’t been titles. Examples:

Mad King’s Clock Tower
Faster Than Light
Personal Space
Unfriendly Skies
Light Up the Darkness
Invasion Canceler
SAB Tribulation Mode

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


I am a master at Jumping puzzles, WvW, PvE, and I consider myself pretty good with Dungeons, but if I had to choose between PvP and her ugly friend, I would pick the dog,

So anything that requires me to do any PvP whatsoever, I am going to have to say….no!

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


GW1 is a non-evolving game. GW2 is evolving so the title cannot be done for the simple fat as the PoI work now. Those who got map completion will still have it even if they add new PoIs in it. It won’t be fair for the new players.

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morbridae.8607


I don’t think we need a master title. I think we need individual titles that actually reflect the content that requires skill and/or dedication.


imho, the best title GW2 had right now is Dungeon Master, since it requires you to actually do something that can be considered difficult by some people. And even that doesn’t mean anything, since your party could had dragged you through the whole dungeon.

And what about the PS? I know that Zhaitan is uber-easy, but hey, I killed it! I saved Tyria! I want my “another day, another world saved” title! I propose Zhaitanator.

Morbridae (Norn Necromancer)
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)

Master title is needed - like GWAMM in GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: XacTactX.6709


The actual achievements OP has laid out as being required to get the title would create a very very well-rounded list of things to do. And it would take a significant amount of time for most of us, eg completing 5 races of personal story. And it would be more meaningful than having a legendary because it wouldn’t require hundreds of hours of farming. If they could make a nice coherent list of activities it would be fun.

Anet likely didn’t want to remove the armor stats entirely because…well,
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.