Mega events should be epic

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calae.1738


Some of these events are over in less than a minute. Fire Elemental and Jungle Worm comes to mind.

Are there any plans to redesign these events into 10+ minute epic battles that are worthy of their loot?

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


The Maw shaman would often down people during BWE. Incentivizing 80s in zerker gear to do these events is directly responsible for their trivial difficulty.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I don’t think the events that take more than 10 minutes are really epic feeling. Once you know what to do and where to stand, it is simple and the epicness wears off.

Shatter for example when I first did it was a wow! type moment but as I’ve done them, I know that there is 0 chance of me dying. Tequatal also. Once you know where to stand and if you have stability, you won’t get touched by anything and it is pretty much auto attack. These things should actually be epic.

Jormag is epicish but still meh to me. Ice wall beat down is still kind of booring and again, once you know what you need, you just stand there and fire. Golem part is mostly the same thing but you change your targets to the pillars on occasion.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


I don’t think the events that take more than 10 minutes are really epic feeling. Once you know what to do and where to stand, it is simple and the epicness wears off.

Shatter for example when I first did it was a wow! type moment but as I’ve done them, I know that there is 0 chance of me dying. Tequatal also. Once you know where to stand and if you have stability, you won’t get touched by anything and it is pretty much auto attack. These things should actually be epic.

Jormag is epicish but still meh to me. Ice wall beat down is still kind of booring and again, once you know what you need, you just stand there and fire. Golem part is mostly the same thing but you change your targets to the pillars on occasion.

Agreed, everything needs to be more epic!

I think the best way to do that is to make each fight less tedious. The boss should move around and attack in unexpected ways. Right now, stand in one location and auto-attack.

You are right that jormag is a step in the right direction, but the ice wall is definitely more boring and not epic. I would prefer if the ice spikes that come down did not cover the entire area except the side ledge. Then you would have to keep moving around and use that jumping skill on your gun to dodge the spikes.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrInfinit.1864


These events definitely need to be more than loot pinatas, and let’s face it… that’s exactly what most of them are atm. You’re absolutely right in that they need to be something epic, something that can fail if players aren’t on their feet, something that requires everyone to be attentive. Something, anything, just make them more epic, challenging, and fun!

I kind of wish they’d get revamped, kind of like how Temple of Grenth was changed not too long ago. Though maybe in more clever ways instead of tons of red circles coming up everywhere! =P But still, it was different and refreshing to see groups failing that over and over not too long ago, and it required people to at least think a bit more than most other events!

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wooboost.8527


I totally agree, I really should take advantage of the easy rewards from the chests, but idk I just don’t care to go to them, they are super lame, no challenge, and require no skill. Everyone and there mother camps them so it can sometimes be ridiculously laggy, but that doesn’t matter you just show up, target the boss, and can afk for a gold medal. I dont think I’ve ever died at any of these events, I used to be one of the people off to the side, max range, ranging, but now I just melee bc you don’t take any damage, and it kills faster. I wouldn’t like 10 minute fights, can’t stand how long jormag takes, yes I protect the golems not auto attk to the side. I don’t have any suggestions atm for improving the fights but they need to do something and nerf the guaranteed daily…it’s like hey go here for some free kitten real quick. Idk I just don’t find that fun and don’t need to be spoon fed. I’m not resentful towards the freebie, understand that, to each their own, do what’s fun for you.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jski.6180


Well they are low level zones if any thing they may want to look at making level scaling harder on higher level then the current level zone they are in. They are still working on that if a level 80 in a level 10 zone is stronger then a level 10 by a great deal then it will never feel epic as you put it but if that level 80 in a level 10 zone is at the same power these events will start to feel epic you may even need to roll out of ability.
So the idea is not to make mobs stronger but to make the players weaker. A group of the same size of the high level vs low level should both have the same difficultly level to deal with these high level events.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


Well they are low level zones if any thing they may want to look at making level scaling harder on higher level then the current level zone they are in. They are still working on that if a level 80 in a level 10 zone is stronger then a level 10 by a great deal then it will never feel epic as you put it but if that level 80 in a level 10 zone is at the same power these events will start to feel epic you may even need to roll out of ability.
So the idea is not to make mobs stronger but to make the players weaker. A group of the same size of the high level vs low level should both have the same difficultly level to deal with these high level events.

Sure. I am not speaking for everyone or the OP, but for myself, these fights are not epic in their design even. Stationary opponents, limited attacks, very high health pools (on some). The epic-ness of these fights end at the design of the boss. The dragons look awesome and so does Behemoth, but once you have seen it 100x, the looks stale and you find that the fights are boring.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Some of these events are over in less than a minute. Fire Elemental and Jungle Worm comes to mind.

Are there any plans to redesign these events into 10+ minute epic battles that are worthy of their loot?

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: colesy.8490


I think the attack on the gates of Arah is a pretty epic event, and that didn’t need a megaboss. I think the music and the sense of (at least plotwise) “if we fail here, we’re boned, throw everything you’ve got here, we’re not far from zhaitan” did it for me.

Jormag is pretty epic in scale, along with cool music but it does feel a bit samey with auto-attacking everything (ice wall or the pillars). If the bosses interacted with us more it would probably make things more interesting.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wooboost.8527


The Arah event is awesome, I very much enjoy that one.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jski.6180


Well they are low level zones if any thing they may want to look at making level scaling harder on higher level then the current level zone they are in. They are still working on that if a level 80 in a level 10 zone is stronger then a level 10 by a great deal then it will never feel epic as you put it but if that level 80 in a level 10 zone is at the same power these events will start to feel epic you may even need to roll out of ability.
So the idea is not to make mobs stronger but to make the players weaker. A group of the same size of the high level vs low level should both have the same difficultly level to deal with these high level events.

Sure. I am not speaking for everyone or the OP, but for myself, these fights are not epic in their design even. Stationary opponents, limited attacks, very high health pools (on some). The epic-ness of these fights end at the design of the boss. The dragons look awesome and so does Behemoth, but once you have seen it 100x, the looks stale and you find that the fights are boring.

How do you make a fight epic after the 100 time? Even in non mmorpg game if you fight the same boss over and over your going to get bored with it.
There are just truths that you must deal with when content is in the open world. You do not want the boss to fly away across the zone when its at 1/2 hp with out lagging out every one in that zone or simply dcing ppl or becoming artificially to long longer.

Would it be better at a set % the mob become invincible to attk and drops a lot of mobs for 5 mins? Have the fire element set every thing on fire so you must get out or you will die ever few hp %? Make SB have super conduction to any one in the water at set hp %? To have worm “run” at set hp %? Each of these have a host of there own problems attracted to them. KISS tend to be the best way to run events it seems and the best way to make these events feel more epic is to look at what the players are doing and what they can do.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


I enjoy a lot of encounter in this game that are, for the most part, “easy” and “boring” due to the BossBattle playlist. I’d probably be a lot more bored if I was listening to Jeremy Soule, instead of stuff from Sonic Generations or The Touhou Project.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Riviriel.9718


The Fire Elemental used to be a pretty epic fight. Then they made it easy. And then made it a pinata for free loot.

You used to have to actually have to pay attention to the battle. Raining meteors that may or may not one shot you/knock you down. Embers dropping 3 mini volcanoes each unless you killed them off quick. Slow moving fire trails that did a ton of damage if you did not dodge.

I remember all the dead bodies from people at the entrance because they didn’t realize you needed to spread out, kill the adds, and watch for the boss attacks all at the same time.

It was one of my guilds favorite events. Well I loved it, they all hated me for making them come and work together to show it could be killed somewhat easily with the right skill haha. At first they all thought it was impossible, but over time we would often get through it with few to no deaths. We recruited lots of people at our little boss events.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: lothefallen.7081


There’s no structure to the classes or the combat because of the removal of trinity. The only way this would be possible is to increase the hp or damage of the boss. We’ve seen what artificial difficulty does in almost every boss encounter in this game.

More hp and damage =/= depth and strategy

The Ardent Aegis

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


The Fire Elemental used to be a pretty epic fight. Then they made it easy. And then made it a pinata for free loot.

You used to have to actually have to pay attention to the battle. Raining meteors that may or may not one shot you/knock you down. Embers dropping 3 mini volcanoes each unless you killed them off quick. Slow moving fire trails that did a ton of damage if you did not dodge.

I remember all the dead bodies from people at the entrance because they didn’t realize you needed to spread out, kill the adds, and watch for the boss attacks all at the same time.

It was one of my guilds favorite events. Well I loved it, they all hated me for making them come and work together to show it could be killed somewhat easily with the right skill haha. At first they all thought it was impossible, but over time we would often get through it with few to no deaths. We recruited lots of people at our little boss events.

That’s pretty much a starting area, they should put such events in later areas. Unfortunately, it’s hard to balance dynamic events so they’re hard but doable without being a stupid zergfest. Grenth for example, people just don’t get it and don’t listen if you try to explain, sole reason it fails. And that’s pretty much the final zone, everybody should know how to play by then.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: killcannon.2576


I end up just copy pasting this response every time one of these threads pop up.

So, here’s what they can do 1. Don’t concentrate loot into easily farmed events 2. Make reward= effort involved 3. Give champions and veterans drops (these don’t need to be rares, can be multiple loot bags, multiple crafting components) 4. Remove the farming of open world events by attaching meaningful and challenging meta event chains to world boss spawns that encompass the entire map (instead of one small area) This is what Anet could do.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rama.6439


Some of these events are over in less than a minute. Fire Elemental and Jungle Worm comes to mind.

Are there any plans to redesign these events into 10+ minute epic battles that are worthy of their loot?

Worthy of their loot? I’m sorry but you get a rare from most of these events, i don’t want to waste anymore then the 5 mins i have to to obtain it, I hate spending like 15-20 mins on jormag just to get the 1 rare and 3-4 blues and greens from the chest, why make the events longer when they wont make the loot better?
They always make things harder and longer but never make loot better. Don’t ask for it to be harder or you will regret it.

If you want epic, ask for raid instances, I doubt you’ll get epic from a dynamic event from anet. I doubt anet could design anything epic, they dont know the meaning of fight mechanics. Any fight you go to you can stand there and bang your head off the keyboard and get loot. Try doing that in an instance in WoW. Those bosses had fight mechanics, those developers knew how to code. Anet has 300 employees, I think only 5 actually work on this game, seems like everyone else is playing ping pong and foosball, who knows though.

Arcubus Balefire – 80 Guardian
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…

(edited by Rama.6439)

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Og god… I think the dragons are SO boring to kill, just because they take time… Really

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Some of these events are over in less than a minute. Fire Elemental and Jungle Worm comes to mind.

Are there any plans to redesign these events into 10+ minute epic battles that are worthy of their loot?

Worthy of their loot? I’m sorry but you get a rare from most of these events, i don’t want to waste anymore then the 5 mins i have to to obtain it, I hate spending like 15-20 mins on jormag just to get the 1 rare and 3-4 blues and greens from the chest, why make the events longer when they wont make the loot better?
They always make things harder and longer but never make loot better. Don’t ask for it to be harder or you will regret it.

If you want epic, ask for raid instances, I doubt you’ll get epic from a dynamic event from anet. I doubt anet could design anything epic, they dont know the meaning of fight mechanics. Any fight you go to you can stand there and bang your head off the keyboard and get loot. Try doing that in an instance in WoW. Those bosses had fight mechanics, those developers knew how to code. Anet has 300 employees, I think only 5 actually work on this game, seems like everyone else is playing ping pong and foosball, who knows though.

And there we have it. The loot guys and the immersion/world guys.

The loot guys see the dragons and in fact everything in the game as some form of reward mechanism. X time should yield X reward, or it’s no good. They don’t play for fun, they play for money.

The immersion guys find the experience of doing something awesome rewarding. Sure we want loot too but we’re not necessarily focused on loot to the exclusion of game play. We see the world and events as opportunities for fun, during which if we get slowly richer, with a chance of something really cool to drop, we’re happy.

That’s why some people consider this game a grind and I don’t. I don’t grind for anything. I play to have fun. Dragon events are definitely not fun. But some of the other stuff I do is…though it’s far less rewarding in terms of loot.

You can’t please everyone.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katzyn.9703


Fire Elemental used to be epic, and HARD…then people whined and it got heavily nerfed.

Katzy (80 Sylvari Ranger), Katarzynea (80 Norn Elementalist),
Katalii (40ish Asuran Mesmer), Katalyn Galadheon (15ish Human Warrior)

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Fire Elemental used to be epic, and HARD…then people whined and it got heavily nerfed.

To be fair, world bosses in 1-15 zones should be a bit more forgiving than others. You don’t really want to scare off players new to the game.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


IMO what is needed is already there. If you want that epic feel, then all that is required is more stages requiring input from the players. Take Jormag for example, you stand in one spot till the wall comes down, after a few waves you let the npc’s shoot him from the sky, move to a different area and rinse and repeat till the chest spawns.

This could be made much more epic if the players themselves had to shoot him from the sky, using the turrets and bazookas whist making it so there was no safe spot to stand on. Even giving the claw the ability to breath while airborne (with appropriate red circles) would add more urgency to making him land without actually giving him more hit points. After a few changes like these the bosses would start to feel much more boss like and less like an afk fest with a chest spawning at the end. The trick I believe is to never one-shot anyone unless they are stupid enough to continue standing in the red circles after being attacked.

Living through a boss encounter can feel epic.. dying horribly because you didn’t move fast enough does not.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


And there we have it. The loot guys and the immersion/world guys.

I think my immersion would be improved if one of Dhuum’s greatest minions wasn’t such a pushover.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayne.8563


And there we have it. The loot guys and the immersion/world guys.

I think my immersion would be improved if one of Dhuum’s greatest minions wasn’t such a pushover.

Sure, if you insist on picking out one event from the world and saying that this one guy is a pushover that’s great. How do I know, in character, that he’s one of Dhuum’s greatest minions?

I find epic battles in lots of places in the world and I’m immersed in those. There are areas where a gazillion guys get together because the loot is good. It’s the same reason the pen shelter orr run sucks for immersion players. Because there are 80 gazillion people there doing them. It’s not fun, or epic. That’s because it’s farming.

So your choice is either to farm, or to be immersed. It’s really not all that easy to do both at the same time. Players can make choices to make the game more epic for themselves, rather than waiting for Anet to fix a handful of events out of 1500.

They may fix them..but I’m not willing to wait to play an epic game.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gestankfaust.4216


I think bystanders who cannot help in the fight might think it’ “mega”.

Us as the heroes may not. That’s where the problem lies.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

I don’t think they make those events harder, because they had the fire elemental just fine (killing a lot of players, the battle was epic and could be won only rarely) and nerved it to death. Now it’s just another non-challenging loot pinata.

I thought the players who are looking for a challenge out in the world (outside of dungeons) will find that in some places, but not anymore. If you play a ranged class, you will find no challenge… if you do though, please let me know.

(the 100% win-ratio against metaevent-bosses is a biiiig disappointment for me) – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: nesh.7234


IMHO, 1st problem is scale — mechanic of the fight when one is fighting some huge boss needs to be changed. It’s just plain silly chopping of dragon with a sword (trimming his claws?), much better is fighting to make beachhead/protecting/supplying/whatever teams (across whole map) which will bring some type “heavy” artillery to the bear on it and, Zhaitan fight comes to mind (but with a lot more options). Every mega-event should be (at least) map level event not just on one small part of it, requiring multiple points of engagement and (to the some degree) coordinated teams to be done.

Scaling is second biggest issue — Orr is much better in that, mobs should be becoming much dangerous as numbers increase and also change tactics so groups needs to react better. Mob AI is pretty dumb ATM which makes it even easier — I really wish to see mobs moving out AOE’s, dodging, supporting each other… GW AI was at least a little better in that regard.

Make events fun, just like fire elemental was in beginning, don’t care what will drop from them, just make them FUN. Auto-attacking and (sometimes) moving around is not fun.

Also, no zerg should be able to finish mega-event bosses (event) in less than ~15min — Maw and Fire Elemental (IIRC wurm too) are joke now. Also add “lockouts” like we have it in Orr — want TP/craft/karma/whatever, free the city, kill the boss, … And more (or all) contested waypoints just to “force” people to actually work for the “privilege” to jump around…

EU / Aurora Glade

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayne.8563


IMHO, 1st problem is scale — mechanic of the fight when one is fighting some huge boss needs to be changed. It’s just plain silly chopping of dragon with a sword (trimming his claws?), much better is fighting to make beachhead/protecting/supplying/whatever teams (across whole map) which will bring some type “heavy” artillery to the bear on it and, Zhaitan fight comes to mind (but with a lot more options). Every mega-event should be (at least) map level event not just on one small part of it, requiring multiple points of engagement and (to the some degree) coordinated teams to be done.

Scaling is second biggest issue — Orr is much better in that, mobs should be becoming much dangerous as numbers increase and also change tactics so groups needs to react better. Mob AI is pretty dumb ATM which makes it even easier — I really wish to see mobs moving out AOE’s, dodging, supporting each other… GW AI was at least a little better in that regard.

Make events fun, just like fire elemental was in beginning, don’t care what will drop from them, just make them FUN. Auto-attacking and (sometimes) moving around is not fun.

Also, no zerg should be able to finish mega-event bosses (event) in less than ~15min — Maw and Fire Elemental (IIRC wurm too) are joke now. Also add “lockouts” like we have it in Orr — want TP/craft/karma/whatever, free the city, kill the boss, … And more (or all) contested waypoints just to “force” people to actually work for the “privilege” to jump around…

And here in a nutshell is the problem. You don’t care what drops from them…and I agree with you. Other players do care what drops from them.

If you kill the drops, like they were before one of the recent updates, those events will get much harder, because no one will camp them. That’s how most of them were. Harder. And people complained about lack of drops.

So Anet caved and gave people drops. Now people complain about the events being meaningless. If you take away the drops again, the events will be harder again, but then there’ll be more people complaining.

I’m pretty sure by my memory, more people were complaining about the bad drops than how easy this stuff is now.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raire.7983


Uhhh… I’d hate for ANet to act on any of this. These events should remain accessible.

Grenth has become an event that just gets ignored, until some leet little group goes and does it by themselves. The Fire Elemental used to be the same way and Jormag is now really pushing it, at least in terms of time taken.

There certainly are issues – that the Jungle Wurm can be half killed by a zergs AOE, before it can even be targeted directly, is a big one. Yet it seems clear that many who attack these events, will only be happy when they’ve driven the more casual players from them. And some of the arguments are ridiculous – you just can’t get gold from clicking auto and standing in a “safe spot”. There are no spots that don’t get attacked and the targets MOVE! Seriously, just see how long you remain locked on the Behemoth, if you try to AFK it.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: colesy.8490


IMHO, 1st problem is scale — mechanic of the fight when one is fighting some huge boss needs to be changed. It’s just plain silly chopping of dragon with a sword (trimming his claws?), much better is fighting to make beachhead/protecting/supplying/whatever teams (across whole map) which will bring some type “heavy” artillery to the bear on it and, Zhaitan fight comes to mind (but with a lot more options). Every mega-event should be (at least) map level event not just on one small part of it, requiring multiple points of engagement and (to the some degree) coordinated teams to be done.

Scaling is second biggest issue — Orr is much better in that, mobs should be becoming much dangerous as numbers increase and also change tactics so groups needs to react better. Mob AI is pretty dumb ATM which makes it even easier — I really wish to see mobs moving out AOE’s, dodging, supporting each other… GW AI was at least a little better in that regard.

Make events fun, just like fire elemental was in beginning, don’t care what will drop from them, just make them FUN. Auto-attacking and (sometimes) moving around is not fun.

Also, no zerg should be able to finish mega-event bosses (event) in less than ~15min — Maw and Fire Elemental (IIRC wurm too) are joke now. Also add “lockouts” like we have it in Orr — want TP/craft/karma/whatever, free the city, kill the boss, … And more (or all) contested waypoints just to “force” people to actually work for the “privilege” to jump around…

Straits of Devastation event chains? I sure wish more people would do those, the beach landing in the north is pretty fun to play, just never enough people show up so we get pushed in to the sea all the time.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Currently the events are much too simple, with the exception of the Orr events, those are all fun and feel more alive, since the bosses will chase you and can infact kill you if you dont pay attention.

The rest are a pile of cowdung, dragons are the least epic monsters in the game, except for the looks. I avoid most world events even though they give me 1 rare per day each, since they are so awfully boring. Not good when people avoid free loot due to a thing being too boring. There is only profit to be had from the bosses, but I cant stand doing them since they are simple, no brain activities. Heck the champ abom in the plinxx chain is more deadly than any dragon.

Also, why does the Arah chain event not reward a daily chest at the end when its harder than every non-Orr boss out there?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Heck the champ abom in the plinxx chain is more deadly than any dragon.

If you die from that one, you’ll probably die from critters too…

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dindin.2378


this game is not about loot but about a boring story with unlikable characters

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I like the story and characters.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I like the story and characters.

I like some of the stories and some of the characters. I think it’s pretty uneven, actually. And you know, I’m a fan of the game…but some stories are a lot more fun than others.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: nesh.7234


And here in a nutshell is the problem. You don’t care what drops from them…and I agree with you. Other players do care what drops from them.

If you kill the drops, like they were before one of the recent updates, those events will get much harder, because no one will camp them. That’s how most of them were. Harder. And people complained about lack of drops.

So Anet caved and gave people drops. Now people complain about the events being meaningless. If you take away the drops again, the events will be harder again, but then there’ll be more people complaining.

I’m pretty sure by my memory, more people were complaining about the bad drops than how easy this stuff is now.

Yeah, I’m aware that (sadly) most people do them for drops … but with dynamic change and more map wide impact of the failure (keeping the drops) it may be at least more interesting.

OTOH I’d kill to have (at least) dragons much harder but with added chance to drop named/unique (to dragon) weapon for the class fighting it (BoP!) — that may please both crowds, and some type of titles related to them will be nice.

EU / Aurora Glade

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: nesh.7234


Straits of Devastation event chains? I sure wish more people would do those, the beach landing in the north is pretty fun to play, just never enough people show up so we get pushed in to the sea all the time.

Thanks for the tip, I’ll definitely check it out

“Big” events should have map wide announcements (or even more “global”) that may help to ones like me who don’t care to constantly check “timers” to see where next one is happening (randomizing and much longer chains will be nice too)

EU / Aurora Glade

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

Uhhh… I’d hate for ANet to act on any of this. These events should remain accessible.

Grenth has become an event that just gets ignored, until some leet little group goes and does it by themselves. The Fire Elemental used to be the same way and Jormag is now really pushing it, at least in terms of time taken.

There certainly are issues – that the Jungle Wurm can be half killed by a zergs AOE, before it can even be targeted directly, is a big one. Yet it seems clear that many who attack these events, will only be happy when they’ve driven the more casual players from them. And some of the arguments are ridiculous – you just can’t get gold from clicking auto and standing in a “safe spot”. There are no spots that don’t get attacked and the targets MOVE! Seriously, just see how long you remain locked on the Behemoth, if you try to AFK it.

I can’t believe what I’m reading… please watch this:
Almost all my encounters with Tequatl looked like this, watch the 30+ people standing directly in front of him spamming 1 and receive little to no damage – the whole fight.

I’m a casual player, but this doesn’t mean that I want an easy-mode game. I would actually feel great if I could succeed in a challenge, instead I use timers in the net to find the next encounter, then (most of the time) wait 15min for the “battle” to begin, spam 1 continuously for 5min and have the chance of a rare loot, even though I really want something exotic. And you call this fun? I didn’t even mention the lags.

There is tons of easy-mode gameplay already there, everywhere on the map actually. Why are those rare spawning bosses also like this? I don’t get it.

Grenth actually is tons of fun now. Nothing wrong with a bit of coordination. My guild tried it once, a group of casuals. We didn’t know a lot about the battle, just that those phantoms needed to be killed while in shadowform. Neither of us was full exotic by far. We did it and it was the most fun experience that week. Can’t say the same about the 5-10min Tequatl-encounter where everyone kittened about the bad loot instead of being happy to beat the beast.

Edit: the Shatterer:
Easymode really, if you want to be absolutely safe, go to the mob of players on his left side.

Edit2: don’t know if this was fixed yet, a safe spot under Tequatl: – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raire.7983


Marcus, I didn’t say the events were not easy. I’ve done Tequatl with just a couple of others present (took an hour, though). I said you couldn’t find a safe spot and hit auto. People have been coming here for months saying you can just AFK these bosses and that is simply not true. None of those videos actually showed anyone remaining completely safe and just autoing the dragon from one spot. Even under the dragon, they were getting poisoned and feared away.

On the subject of Grenth, I’ve never really liked it in any iteration. The final stages are cramped, messy and the “co-ordination” is limited to yelling at people to get away from the NPC. Never really seen the fun in that and, since it fails more than it succeeds, I generally ignore it when it’s up. Given the amount of times I see it up, but abandoned at some intermediate stage, it seems I’m not alone.

And that’s my biggest fear regarding tampering with these events. If we have changes that lead to a sea of defeated players (think Thaumanova during beta), we’ll be back to having ghost town events, where the only players you’ll see are just passing by on their gathering runs.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

Well it comes pretty close to afk-ing a boss if you ask me, so I don’t see how this could be considered fun. The one thing you need to do: run back to the boss after you’ve been feared. In the Tequatl-clip above for example you can see that 30+ people do exactly this for the entire fight.

I’m pretty sure I saw more players in Thaumanova during beta than now. This tells me that people prefered the harder encounter. – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rama.6439


this game is not about loot but about a boring story with unlikable characters

This game is all about loot, it’s all about the grind and all about the farm. Anet saw to that when they made those insane recipes for the legendaries and then they started making every way we have to make gold disappear. You find a decent way to farm, they will remove it or nerf it, cause they don’t want you to get ahead, they want you to buy gems to trade for gold. They buff everything and never increase drop rates. That’s why I stopped farming fractals for my gs skin a long time ago cause it was getting stupid running it 4-6 times a day doing multiple 30’s and 40’s on 3 toons and getting nothing but blues and greens and no skins and them denying they nerfed the drop rates in there, they think we are stupid and don’t notice this stuff. I think it would be nice of them to mention nerfed drop rates so I could move on to something else instead of wasting my time but no they probably enjoy wasting my time.

Arcubus Balefire – 80 Guardian
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raire.7983


I’m pretty sure I saw more players in Thaumanova during beta than now. This tells me that people prefered the harder encounter.

No, it just means it was new. I remember dozens of dead players on the gangway approaching the fire elemental on those earliest encounters. While it was mildly hilarious seeing players resort to running kamikaze from the nearest waypoint (because reviving anyone just got you downed), the result was a ghost town area within a week or so of launch. At least on my server, others may have experienced different.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


I personally think that at least the dragons need a fail state that affects the area if not the zone . For instance if you fail claw of jormag it would take twice as long to revive in the zone and you couldn’t revive at all in the area the fight took place.

A new mechanic for shatterer could be as long as he had his crystals up you would take heavy damage if you attacked him 9 and he put them up more often ) . Fail state would be DoT in the brand and branded are stronger

Teqatl fail state would be More Risen in the zone ( overriding some other types of foes ) and constant poison in immediate area of his fight

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


I think there needs to be a step forward in the design of these world events. Some new principles need to come into place so that
(1) Everyone’s contribution feels important. This is difficult for a zerg but it should still be the ambition.
(2) There should be some threat of both death and the event failing.
(3) One idiot shouldn’t be able to fail the event for everyone.
(4) An event shouldn’t be trivialized by more people attending or higher level characters.
(5) Enemies need to be mobile, forcing players to be mobile, and give a variety of different challenges. Dragons are not realistic when they sit on their backsides. You should really have to “watch the skies”.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


The idea behind the Claw Of Jormag event was just brilliant. The massive beast swoops across the sky causing mayhem and although not much, the fight takes place in 2 different spots. To some extent they should share this mechanic with some other boss fights. Same with behemoth where it’s pre-events start all over Queensdale actually feeling like a “world event”.

Shatterer could be in various spots along the brand and start pre-events to push back invading branded or have part of the fight where it flies into the sky and you must destroy the large swarms of branded (contesting the wp nearby so you must actualy run) but not making it a full trek across the map.

Also you shouldn’t be able to blind any of the dragons. They attack slow, and it is very easy to put a blind on them. For how large they are, you honestly should always have to dodge its attacks.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rash.6514


Try doing that in an instance in WoW. Those bosses had fight mechanics, those developers knew how to code.

As much as I don’t like to, I have to agree with you. WoW’s boss fight mechanics are simply brilliant. I know we shouldn’t be comparing, but since ANet decided to create some world bosses and some mechanics, they should also look into those.

I also agree that the world bosses shouldn’t necessarily last long to be epic, but their fights should be more complex. Not necessarily difficult, they just had to have some sort of mechanic, that looked like a “mini-game”. And please don’t think of SAB when I say mini-game.

Mega events should be epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

The Shadow Behemoth fight lasts 3 minutes, I agree that the battles should last longer too – and be more complex. – show your look and rate others – great filters!!