Merchants need to name their currency.

Merchants need to name their currency.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kate Soulguard.7132

Kate Soulguard.7132

Hi developers;

Still loving the game! Thanks for making it.

When I encounter a merchant who does not use gold/silver/copper as currency, I frequently have a problem identifying the exact currency that the merchant wants.

For those who hit the dungeons frequently, the expected currency may seem obvious, but for players like me who don’t really get into dungeons as much, this can be fairly confusing.

I suggest one of the following:

  • Add a tooltip to certain areas on Vendor screens – when hovering over the price column, over the “Your funds:” section, or over any other image of the currency expected, the tooltip should display the name of the expected currency.
  • Name the currency explicitly – just to the right of “Your funds:”, add the name of the currency to the right of the number and image.
  • List the currency parenthetically in the title bar – at the top of the Vendor window, to the right, add the icon and name of the currency expected. I believe some vendors actually have their currency displayed here, but this is not consistently implemented.


Merchants need to name their currency.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


I agree, as a new player I was baffled on what it takes to get ‘x’ item. Now that I have played since release I know what it is, but not very player friendly to new adopters.

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