Merge PVE

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: XENus.6931


Alright, this is a very serious suggestion.
From what i have heard, PVE is dead. Now before u start saying ‘Get out of here troll’ Read on please…

Dear Anet,
I would suggest that you take PVE out of servers. What i mean is that PVE should not be splitted into servers, because the world is too MASSIVE. Which brings me to the next point why is PVE is dead? The world is so massive that there are not enough players to do dynamic events and fill the map up. And it is VERY boring having to solo a TEAM-BASED MMO. It will be so much better to see people everywhere, doing dynamic events, vistas, skillpoints, etc.
Not to forget that there are tons of players doing fractals which lead to the World being dead. As most people reach level 80 and starts doing dungeons…

Now what will happen to WVW?
WVW stays the same. We will be in our servers when we travels to the whatever borderlands. But when we go back to PVE there are no servers. Everyone will literally be in a single ‘server’

Same as PVE merge everything together. I see too many rooms empty.

Thank you Anet ^^ I really really hope that u will make this happen.

If the community have comments/disagreements/etc. Please reply below :]

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ariaka.2194


It seems to me like a great idea

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: THE DOCTOR.3510


It seems to be a good idea, but your talking about the viewpoint of your server, other servers could be doing PvE more, I think it depends on what server you’re on. Although it would be way more fun with lots of people.

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: XENus.6931


It seems to be a good idea, but your talking about the viewpoint of your server, other servers could be doing PvE more, I think it depends on what server you’re on. Although it would be way more fun with lots of people.

Thanks for the reply, and regarding the server thingy. People really don’t know which server is PVE focused since there is no PVE focused server :p and ya all i want to see in gw2 is like freaking 100 people beating the crap out a a dragon!

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Um…. I am pretty sure your suggestion is totally impossible.

Firstly, the American and European servers run different clocks. Secondly, the servers aren’t just groupings of players via programming code, they’re actual physical machines.

Basically what you’re asking is for them to take down their current server architecture and re-do is all as a single, massive cluster.

Well guess what that would mean? Firstly, the game would have to be taken down for weeks due to the physical servers being moved about and tweaked. Secondly, the new system would be much weaker against server issues.

Also, since the new system would make it so that there’s tons and tons of players, you would most likely either end up with every location in the game being in constant Overflow. Not to mention that most likely ANet would have to invest tons of money on completely new server machinery.

What you’re asking is a bit like asking for a turn-based console version of GW2. It’s just not possible without starting over from scratch.

The world is so massive that there are not enough players to do dynamic events and fill the map up. And it is VERY boring having to solo a TEAM-BASED MMO

The issue with most areas lacking players has to do with the player base. In an MMORPG, the players will always crowd the areas that have the best money-for-time ratios. And that can be fixed without changing the server architecture.

And GW2 is not a “team-based MMORPG”. That much is obvious from the fact that you can easily get to level 80 solo and complete all but the last part of your Personal Story alone.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hellgaunt.1734


It isn’t impossible since the overflow servers are just that. In effect it is asking to remove overflow as a server and just fill up zones till near bursting point (80% or something so people can go as groups) and then make mirror servers to handle the extra load.

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Acension.9270


I don’t think we should get rid of servers, we should just merge like 4-5.

Trolls :)

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


I think this would be a great idea – and from an outside point of view, it seems like it would be doable.

That said, it is time to merge the bottom 5-6 least populated servers. It feels like we havent had the Gates of Arah or any of the temples on my server for the past 2 weeks – and events in zones like Mt Maelstrom or Fireheart have become impossible to finish.

(edited by Blaeys.3102)

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

I don’t think we should get rid of servers, we should just merge like 4-5.

This is the best solution. Take a tally of active, logged in once a week at least, accounts per server and figure out which are the lowest populations and merge them into the larger, more active servers.


You could turn it into a WvW contest where the best server of each bracket absorbs the two weaker ones or something. Not including the top 3 as they are clearly active.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdfrod.1948


Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ravion Hawk.4736

Ravion Hawk.4736


Just a little FYI, more servers are using multiple virtual servers on one machine nowadays.

Even as a Computer Information Administrator and IT Manager, I don’t like multiple virtual servers on single machines since if this is the case with GW2, one hiccup with the hardware could knock out either all of the NA or EU servers. That is assuming that all the NA servers are virtualized and on one machine and the EU servers are done the same on another machine.

The one bonus I could see if they do have them virtualized is that it could make it relatively simple to merge dying servers.

Head of the Order of the Iron Ravens [OoIR]
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackalHeadGod.8195


I’d like to see this as well. Orr has been a rail pain to do so far because of a lack of people.

In cities keep the current server and overflow shard system. You need the server shards in cities to help with community and RP.

Out in the PvE world drop the server shard completely and run everything off the overflow shards. Populate the shards until reasonably full and then open a new one. Perhaps give an option to jump to a busier shard when your current shard’s population drops too low.

The one big problem I can see with that is that when a new overflow starts up it may be in default state, if it closed down there may be problems with getting shards to progress through the event states. I’d suggest saving state when shutting down a dead overflow and re-loading it when the overflow comes back up. May already do this for all I know.

Alternatively give me a “move to overflow” slash command and see how many people start using it as a trial of this sort of change. I think pick-up may be pretty high.

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: CapN Biku.6024

CapN Biku.6024

There was a suggestion on here a few weeks ago about using overflow servers as a sort of “underflow” so when you enter an area that has little to no players in it you will get a message asking if you want to go to the overflow. I really liked this suggestion since there are already overflow servers in place and the mechanism is sort of there already, you just have to turn it around a little bit. Say if there are less than 10 people on your server you will get the message and be able to move over to a possibly more populated overflow.

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackalHeadGod.8195


Say if there are less than 10 people on your server you will get the message and be able to move over to a possibly more populated overflow.

The problem I see with doing it that way arround is once it gets under 10 people everyone will get the warning. most will probably click to move. Thus it never goes over 10 and your back to everyone just going to the overflows all the time. Also you’d have to load in to the normal shard and then transfer to the overflow one, double load time.

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: CapN Biku.6024

CapN Biku.6024

Say if there are less than 10 people on your server you will get the message and be able to move over to a possibly more populated overflow.

The problem I see with doing it that way arround is once it gets under 10 people everyone will get the warning. most will probably click to move. Thus it never goes over 10 and your back to everyone just going to the overflows all the time. Also you’d have to load in to the normal shard and then transfer to the overflow one, double load time.

I see your point. I guess the move to overflow command someone suggested earlier is a bit better since you have to decide for yourself if there are enough people on the server for you instead of making the game do that for you. Although if they add a command like that then I think they should add a hint for it, which tells people about the added feature when they enter a map other than the towns. That way both old and future players will know about it and know how to use it.

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


This is a great idea, now if only ANet could get a move on and show that they pay attention to what players are saying instead of plugging their ears with their fingers…

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhysati.4932


While I have no problems with some servers getting merged together, please leave my server out of it. I play on the unofficial RP server ‘Tarnished Coast’. We have no shortage of players in the PVE world and merging servers in any way would be detrimental to the community and gameplay of those folks on the server.

Merge PVE

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


I think the real problem here is ANet started with too many servers to compensate for having fewer then ideal ways to get players to spread out more.

Lots of zones will get one run through, and players will often never visit it again.

This has nothing to do with WvW, although servers that do well in WvW will often have lower PvE populations.
It’s just a traffic-control problem which was furthered by the implementing of Fractals which act like a magnet to pull any and every player to Lion’s Arch and away from other content…

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~