Mesmer Deceptive Evasion Clones

Mesmer Deceptive Evasion Clones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saarkhastick.9571


I just recently specced into Deceptive Evasion and have found what seems like a bug(others have no doubt mentioned this already) but was told that Mesmer clones are working as intended and it was suggested that I bring this up here.

The problem is that when I dodge to create a clone, it will attack whatever it feels like attacking, such as a tropical bird and instantly shatters, thus being useless in my current fight or another mob that happens to be closer to the clone which then joins the fight making things much more difficult The clone very often does not assist by attacking my targeted mob. I can’t say that I’ve noticed this happening with my other clones, just those produced from Deceptive Evasion.

I would ask that you adjust the clone AI so that it only attacks the targeted mob. Otherwise, this is a sketchy and somewhat dangerous skill to use, specially against hard hitting mobs, for example the Karkas and reef riders on Southsun Cove.

Thank you for your consideration.