Mini pet revamp

Mini pet revamp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kojiden.8405


I’ve never really cared about mini pets too much because I didn’t really have any. Now after Wintersday I do. And I find the mini pet system to be kind of annoying.

I don’t really like how mini pets are considered a collectable. The reason is because when it’s like this you can only have 1 character have a specific mini pet at a time. Also, having a mini pet takes up an inventory space. Also, you have to put said mini pet into an invisible bag if you don’t want it to be deposited when you click on deposit all collectables. Also, you have to use the mini pet after you die (I think) or move instances.

A potential system to replace it could be similar to the dye system. What I mean is that there is tab or something in the hero screen where you can set what mini pet you are currently using. And then that mini pet will be with you always, unless you hide/disable the mini pet in some option or something in that mini pet tab. Also, it would be good if (unlike how dyes are) that mini pets could be used on all characters and that multiple characters could use the same mini pet.

Mini pet revamp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akiru.8065


I agree with this, current minipet system is dead, you have to waste inventory slots in order to carry them, and you will only carry the pet you most enjoy.

You should fix this like blizzard did with WoW.
I dont like comparisons, but this time, is the way to go:
Add something like this to the game’s interface, add a way to unlock minipets forever, like in the screenshot.

Also, you should do something similar to this with town clothes

Mini pet revamp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dying Infinity.4805

Dying Infinity.4805

Agreed, it would make using minis a much less clunky experience. Doing this with town clothes would also give me more incentive to buy them.

Mini pet revamp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


Couldn’t agree more, actually. Mini-pets should be easy to collect, manage, summon, dismiss, and show off. There’s no reason they need to take up bag space, and no reason “Deposit All Collectibles” should send my pets to the bank.
I realize an Invisible Bag would keep the pets with me, but honestly, that’s a pretty inelegant solution which still discourages players from freely using them.
If there’s ever going to be a pet battle arena of some sort (There is, right? Please?), this has to be adjusted.

Mini pet revamp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valkadesh.7280


I was thinking the same thing. Having a ton of mini’s is great, but you’re only ever going to pull out one or two because it’s not practical to have more than that in your pack at any given time. Right now, I have a favorite and one I swap out every once and a while with another one from the collection. I’m not opposed to the collection panel existing (it’s an easy way to see which ones you have and don’t have) but it would be nice to just have the minis get added to the collection and then simply have something that lets you access that whole mini collection and select which one you wish to pull out. Keeping them as items does not drive bank storage sales (because they have collection slots to keep them in anyway) and nobody is going to buy additional bag slots with gems just to hold more minis, so there’s no financial incentive to be attached to this design decision.

Mini pet revamp

in Suggestions

Posted by: robotosis.4872


I agree with all of this.

Mini pet revamp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Palador.2170


I’d love for there to be a way to equip a minipet onto a character, so it’s around whenever you’re playing that character. Really, I’d love anything that makes it easier and more practical.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Mini pet revamp

in Suggestions

Posted by: DoktorJ.3687


I agree wholeheartedly. If pets aren’t made into a “consumable” like WoW does it, at least add an inventory slot on your hero screen as shown in my mockup here.

If they had something like this, you’d just put the desired pet into the slot shown, and it would spawn, and stay out as long as you have it in the slot.

This way you could have your other pets stashed in the collectibles bank, but the one you want to have out doesn’t take up precious inventory space, doesn’t get inadvertently deposited when you deposit all collectibles, and actually stays spawned between zones and after dying.