Miniature Tab Instead of Miniature Bank Slot

Miniature Tab Instead of Miniature Bank Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rholar.9082


I like having my mini out but i always deposit it into the bank by accident. So i was thinking why not make them their own miniature tab on the hero panel. (Like what you did with the finishers). I was thinking when you get a mini you should be able to have an option to sell it (if not account-bound) or add it to a list of your own personal minis. From the hero panel you would be able to choose what mini you want to equip.

Also just as another idea since i am on the topic i was thinking it would be cool if minis had stats they would give you (that could be toggled on and off). But sort of like a pros and cons thing.

For Example,

Lets say one mini makes you walk faster by 5% but the con of having it is that cripples applied to you last 20% longer.

Just as another example,

Lets say a minis makes bleed durations last 5% longer but you take 10% more damage from conditions

Then for the special holiday minis you could buy or get through achievements they would just repeat stats from other minis or give Magic Find or Increased Gold drops.

And if those ideas were bad at least make it so minis don’t get deposited when you click deposit all collectibles. Make it so you have to manually do it for the mini.

P.S. I know about invisible bags but still having to carry around a mini that takes a bag slot sucks and my invisible bag is already full of weapons and armor.

Miniature Tab Instead of Miniature Bank Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


You will still have room if you make room.


Miniature Tab Instead of Miniature Bank Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: In Deo Spes Mea.2468

In Deo Spes Mea.2468

Note that if you hadn’t spent gems on extra bags, you’d have had 16 slots left, and that’s assuming you equipped 20 slot bags.

Miniature Tab Instead of Miniature Bank Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Note that if you hadn’t spent gems on extra bags, you’d have had 16 slots left, and that’s assuming you equipped 20 slot bags.

I have more items in my bank.

Keep in mind I only have 1 main character, (I have a level 80 Thief, but I have less than 100 hours on that character.)

If I didn’t have 20 slot bags (yes, they’re all 20 slots), I would have stored my items in my bank. I’m considering carrying more armorsets, but I’m not ready to make the inventory changes to manage it.

Also, I only had 3 armorsets until I started investing more into invisible bags and bag slots.

Miniature Tab Instead of Miniature Bank Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


Yes, i don’t use any miniatures because i always deposit everything in my bag. If that wasn’t the case i would have used them.

Miniature Tab Instead of Miniature Bank Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jareth.4813


I would love a tab for the mini’s I have.

After much effort finally beat Liadra and then accidentally deposited her along with everything else.

Would definitely use mini’s more if there was a better way to access them rather than going back to the bank each time.