Miniatures need souls!
Agreed. I bought a skritt pet from the trading post, saw it do… mostly nothing, not even being able to keep up with me when I ran, sold it back.
It would be neat if they did a few things or you could interact with them. Some would say be a ranger then but I tried that and don’t really want a fighting pet.
Wields the power of the shadows & and the balance of the blades.
Join the Resurgence!
Again a great idea;)
Thanks, it could be a refreshing idea for pets, and people might actually want to buy those =]
The minitures in gw1 used to make noises based on what they were.
I had a miniture celestial ox Seen here
He used to do the loudest Moo ever while you were running around. I personally found it to be hysterical especially in the middle of an epic boss battle or when somerone was telling you something really serious.
I also wish the mini’s in GW2 were actually mini. When you play as an asura your mini is often bigger than you are O_o