Here I’ll post now as I’ve announced it my personal concept for a CCM, which I think would be a great enrichment for the Game of Guild Wars 2.
I do call this project concept for now Fusion – Trinity of Fate, but Anet may naturally be toal free to rename it for claiming sort of copy rights and you all know the problems, why they will have to do this, but anyways, here the reason why I named it so:
The whole name of the card game should show, that its a card game, that gets played by all the more intelligent (playable) races of Tyria and this card game should be some kind of a symbol for their made pact of being one union now, that has fusionized together, whose great three orders of Tyria became also the leading symbols for this new unified Tyria and last but not least they are all fighting towards one and the same goal – fighting together against their fate of battling against the elder dragons.
I just wanted to have a name for it, that symbollifies with 3 words perfectly what Tyria stands for now and that by this name the card game becomes something, with that everybody, be it Human, Charr, Norn, Asura or Sylvari can identify themself into (and what may follow later for other races)…
From the Gameplay aspect of this Concept, Fusion: ToF should be very similar to CCM’s like Magic: The Gathering, Triple Triad, Yu Gi Oh and Tetra Master to describe a bit the way how it should functionate..mostly being an homage to Magic: The Gathering, as it was
1. The very first Collectable Card Game ever
2. Guild Wars’ basically reason for existance, as Guild Wars was build up based on this card game, so it would be only reasonable, that a CCM in GW2 should have some similarities to its basically forefather MTG.
The Basics
How big is the Card Field(s) and how do you play on them?
Fusion: ToF gets played on a field of a 5×4 pattern, so there are 20 fields
Fusion is played with either 2 Players or Player vs. NPC
So this:
This field is the so called “Battlefield”
Each player has in front of the Battllefield space for maximum 5 Hexes or Enchants, so Magic Spells that aid in the Battlefield., this will be shown you by o’s
Each side has also space for up to 3 Artifacts, shown as Y’s
Hexes and Enchants can be turned into Artifacts.
Hexes and Enchants can either have effects on the battlefield a round later, or they can work as preparations with weak effects over time becoming after a few rounds then much stronger Artifacts with permanent effects as long the other player finds no way to destroy the enemie’s Artifacts to stop their effects.
What kind of cards does it give?
These kind of cards will exist in Fusion: ToF …
- Creatures
Creature Soul Cards are Soul Cards from Monsters of all over Tyria to be found.
Creature Cards can be used on the Battlefield to summon the corresponding Monster on there to fight against cards of the enemy player on the Battlefield.
- Military
Military Soul Cards are also Soul Cards, but from NPC’s, Items (Siege Weapons) and so on.
They are stronger than Creature Cards, but you can use them only slower and Military Cards are restricted. Every player can only have up to maximum 3 Military Cards on the Battlefield. Military Cards are basically comparable with Triple Triad’s Character Cards, which were there also the best cards based on their traits.
- Hexes and Enchants
These are Soul Cards with included Magic Spells in them, which help to buff or debuff fields (Area Effect) on the Battlefield or directly own cards or enemy cards on the battlefield. They work basically also as “Traps” because they player can decide, if they lay their effects open as Buffs or Debuffs, that should work 1 round later directly, or
they can lay them with their effects being invisible to the other player onto a field, where their effects become reactive in regard of what happpens on the battlefield.
- Artifacts
These are Soul Cards with permanent Buff or Debuff effects as long as the game is running. Their use is also restricted to a maximum of 3, but outside of the battlefield.
To get these cards to use, the player has to use preparative Hexes or Enchants first and to endure their duration, until those Hex/Enchant Cards can be turned into an Artifact Card
- Runes
These are Soul Cards, which can perform spontanous Magic Spells instantly.
This can be anything from Healing to Damage something directly.
Using a Rune is a mighty move and it will instantly end the round of the player, who uses them.
Unless using a Rune Card, players have the option free to make up to 3 moves per round. So any player can draw/use up to 3 cards per round either, or 1 Rune Card.