Misc mechanics and comfort

Misc mechanics and comfort

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hollywood.2407


So many suggestions floating around, hard to keep track of what’s been said.

A) Show vital/health bar when viewing player, monster and npc via the toggle button(which you have under keymapping as ‘Show Enemy Names’ and ‘Show Ally Names’).

This would allow you to view the health of those around you(namely outside of group), without needing to mouse over multiple people consecutively. A quick hold on the button will flash names AND health, allowing you a quick glance at who may be in trouble.

B) Mob pathing an leashing needs a complete overhaul(or I say that for dramatic effect). Monsters do some awkward things in amongst an unremarkable situation. You could be on flat land in the middle of the open meadow and right after you attack, they run the opposite way for three seconds, make a ninety degree right turn, and then another before coming back to you.
Next, their ‘leash’ or distance to chase from the point of contact /combat is noticeably low. This makes it frustrating to play ranged professions and if you find yourself in a scenario where you link several mobs, it often turns into a kite. Which is fine, yet disappointing when you spend the effort and time only to have your elation dashed as two of four mobs with 5% health wander off back to their spawn point.
Additionally, if mobs tag you before you tag them, they’ll chase you a fair distance as opposed to the other way around ….
If you turn to attack them, they’ll stop and go home. Then return home, stay invulnerable for five seconds, and proceed to chase you back down even further.

For a game that touts high combat status and ingrained action adventure, this really kills the mood.

It would also be nice if some mobs were more aggressive and chased you further or harder – say if they out number you, they are more inclined to stray from their home.

C) Auction House needs filtering for armor based on what type : light, medium or heavy.

D) Bump up the amount of gems one can buy through the in-game store. Currently doing a like for like comparison, with the gold you can afford from gold sellers, you can purchase three times as many gems as what you would get in-game.
As a small monetary example, 10GBP is about 10gold. As of the recent gem exchange, that’s just shy of 2500-3000 gems. In-game store costs 8.50GBP for 800 gems.
It would stand to reason that allowing time to pass, will mean that more gold circulates within the game, and therefore more gems are being purchased. As the gem sales go up, the gold ‘value’ decreases, making the advantage gold sellers have a lot less.

This would be a fine tactic IF gold was only good for gems, however it’s obviously good for many other things, some more important things.

Rather than try and suffocate the economy while it ‘works itself out’ let’s have you compete with the gold sellers – after all it is a business and customers would prefer to buy through you than third party – but not when we’re looking at a 3:1 ratio…

E) Meteor Shower from fire attunement (Elementalist staff) should be removed entirely. It’s too grandeur, too BIG to be such a reusable ability. It’s also extremely annoying to be in basic indoor events and have someone constantly using it even when not necessary just because they think it’s fun or cool. Well it’s not..it’s annoying, unrealistic, over the top and silly. Glyph of Storms makes more sense, and at a 60 second cool down, it’s more tolerable – it’s also more practical as it’s attunement based with benefits. That should be the only ‘hail mary’ holy shower of smite and screen shake that Elementalists should have for a long time. Additionally, given the Glyph of Storms is usable very early on, one ‘shower’ is enough.