Missing key components?
Don’t miss armory at all. Inspect isn’t necessary because stats are standardized by tier. What many problems with WvW? The only problem I’ve had there was getting in (which does need to be addressed, never ending queues are bad).
There does need to be more to do at endgame and there are patches and content coming. I feel that there are many things that need to be addressed, but gear isn’t one of them. If you want the “my gear is better than your gear” game, yes you should go back to WoW because you’ll never get that here.
I agree that some of these components are absent but I wouldn’t call them missing because I (and based on in game chat many other players) don’t miss them.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Don’t miss armory at all. Inspect isn’t necessary because stats are standardized by tier. What many problems with WvW? The only problem I’ve had there was getting in (which does need to be addressed, never ending queues are bad).
There does need to be more to do at endgame and there are patches and content coming. I feel that there are many things that need to be addressed, but gear isn’t one of them. If you want the “my gear is better than your gear” game, yes you should go back to WoW because you’ll never get that here.
Support players not receiving badges in WvW, never having communication is another lacking thing, when i go into WvW its like everyone’s a chicken with its head cut off.
I’d love more of a gear treadmill for just skins along with weapons
I agree that some of these components are absent but I wouldn’t call them missing because I (and based on in game chat many other players) don’t miss them.
Maybe since i just played wow so long I haven’t adjusted yet
Maybe you just play too much? Don’t you have school or work?
“Should we go back to WoW” would imply that we ever played that game to begin with. You can go back if you want. I’m sure you’re old enough to decide what you want to play by yourself.
What is armory and what’s its purpose? Why would you want to inspect other players? What would even be the purpose of this? What do you mean by more guild control?
Why would you want raid when there’s already plenty of games with raid? Do every single games need raids?
No MMO is ever 100% finished.
I think what you’re asking is GW2 to have 5 years of content after 1 month.
Don’t miss armory at all. Inspect isn’t necessary because stats are standardized by tier. What many problems with WvW? The only problem I’ve had there was getting in (which does need to be addressed, never ending queues are bad).
There does need to be more to do at endgame and there are patches and content coming. I feel that there are many things that need to be addressed, but gear isn’t one of them. If you want the “my gear is better than your gear” game, yes you should go back to WoW because you’ll never get that here.
Support players not receiving badges in WvW, never having communication is another lacking thing, when i go into WvW its like everyone’s a chicken with its head cut off.
I’d love more of a gear treadmill for just skins along with weapons
Ah, ok. I can agree with those. The communication thing is hard to do though since everyone in WvW is from different guilds, but something to investigate for possible solutions.
No way to inspect other players, no armory, no dungeon finder, not enough guild control. Many problems with WvW. The story is great and the only thing i actually enjoyed. I’d like to see raids,
inspect isnt needed, as stated earlier, but I guess it would be nice to see peoples runes/sigils and traits, but again isnt “needed”
armory – again not needed
dungeon finder – no fecking way, dungeon finders ruin community and would increase groups of random 5 people expecting to roll a dungeon, finding a group for a dungeon is in no way difficult, without a finder youre incouraged to make more friends
guild control – yes this requires work
just go back to WoW
you won’t be missed
No way to inspect other players
Likely intentional, as it would create arbitrary barriers between players, as well as between players and content. Remember Gearscore? That’s the kind of crap inspecting would bring to the table, it would lead to some stupid standard like “LF2M Arah Exp, must be wearing full exotics”.
no armory
I wasn’t aware WoW had this on release. Oh wait, it didn’t. Clearly that game wasn’t ready to be released.
no dungeon finder
Not only is this another funny thing you’re bringing up forgetting that WoW also didn’t have this until, what was it, WotLK, but is also intended. Dungeons in this game are hard. Using a dungeon finder in this game would put good players in bad groups and just lessen the overall experience. Not to mention how many bads would come in these forums after getting steamrolled in a dungeon they couldn’t do to blame the game for their shortcomings. We get enough of that already, let’s not create something that will cause that to happen even more.
not enough guild control
Elaborate, because right now, there is a very robust guild system in the game.
I’m just bored and feels like I’m playing not a 100% finished game. Not saying gw2 is swtor but it’s been a month, and I’m bored! I’ve done WvW,Dungeons, hit 400 crafting, hit 80, made 4 alts. And maybe i just went too it too fast but Arenanet had to know that people would do this.
They did. And you got your money’s worth for now if you did all that. Take a break maybe?
Are they ignoring the hardcore players?
Not all of them, just the ones that think a game should revolve around “I need higher numbers forever”. And rightfully so, because implementation of such gear treadmills would be a massive 180 for ArenaNet’s game design philosophy and a massive slap in the face to those of us who, unlike most WoW players, actually knew what kind of game we were buying.
Should we just go back to WoW?
Nothing’s stopping you. Seriously, there is literally no reason for you not to do exactly that if you’d rather play that game.
Will there be patches/content updates.
More than what you’d get in a sub-fee MMORPG, according to Colin.
Will a hardcore pve system be implicated?
There already is one. The fact that it’s not a gear treadmill a la WoW doesn’t make it any less hardcore.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
It is missing a few key components, it does feel a little incomplete, but there not charging me a monthly fee to play so im very happy with what i bought. I see them activly working at improvements and im impressed with that. Just like you, i will continue to express “what i would like to see” and it appears as though the devs are cool enough to listen to the community and continue to build the game around its suggestions. I look forward to the future of the game!! Until then i will sit around and amass my fortune! I had 11 gold today!! But then i bought something shiny and pretty.. Time to start over!! And im on my phone typing this.. So forgive any typos
Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall
The inspect feature is needed badly.
No dungeon finder is horrible, it worked so well in all the other mmo’s. Getting a group is impossible as your never in the zone that the instance is in, they are always in odd places, i have not done a dungeon yet, the worst dungeon mmo yet as it doesn’t support the player.
There’s also no voice coms, you should be able to speak to anyone anywhere instead of typing, e.g if you press speak it broadcasts the sound maybe 150 metres, and if you use yell it speaks to everyone in that section of the map.
They may not charge a monthly fee, but the frequency of expansions makes up for it and the gem store.
The only reason I want an inspect feature is for if I don’t recognize a piece of armor or weapon… I’ve asked several people about a weapon they had, and got no response… The alternative would be to screenshot and ask here or some other gw2 forum.
The rest of what’s being asked for (armory, etc) I couldn’t care less about.