Misssing Armorskins Light (mesmer)
I always find the best way to get what I want is to insult the people I am asking from. /sarcasm
That said, I would also like to have this armor.
i want to get this both skins too
Yes!! This armor is so beautiful! /signed
Leader of The Harbingers of Serendipity [LIFE] : Fort Aspenwood
here a norn armor. we cant get this in the game too. why?
and here an another picture of my favorite mesmer armor skin:
Why the hell we can not get this armor a-net??WHY?
A-net make this beautiful mesmer armor available, please!
This armor set isn’t “missing”. It’s not supposed to be available to players, but isn’t for some reason. They just didn’t make it available for players to get. You know, probably as a way to make important NPCs look unique.
@ Eutymia: Nobody have this armor. No Player, no Npc. exception: countness anise, she wears only the top and shoes, but this is no reason (in my opinion) to make the armor unavailable. that make no sense. And on the picture you can see that this armor IS design FOR PLAYER´S. A playable human charakter wear it and a playable sylvari charakter wear it too.
In the class movie of mesmers chaos storm: the playable character wear this beautiful armor!!! i want to have it, for the first view (before gw2 release). So WHY the hell doesn´t exist this armor in the game since release?
There isn´t no reason to put it out of the game.
i have waiting for a long time. and this skin comes not. i wont wait longer. all new armor skins = ugly crap (a-net should fire the newe?! armor designer he makes only ugly crap. not such as a beautiful armor like that mesmer skin)
i finally want a beautiful skin. with aesthetics , with beautiful ornaments, a typical smart female skin. and a skirt not to long and not to short. the skirt from this armor is perfect. and the bodice and the ornaments = beautiful.
its the perfect armor for a female mesmer or a real lady.
And this shoes! I love them! I want them! The most beautifully shoes in the game, and I can´t have it!!! ;(
(edited by Akai.1274)
The low level armor and most high level too are just completely 3 same sets with different names, exception are dungeon armors and weapons. Well at low level EVERY dagger looks the same and this applies to most weapons armor which isn’t fun at all.
most of the skins are all the same. its boring!
specifically the medium skins (only coats, thats very sad and boring). Fire your armor designer please! he has NO skill! Really! Or he has only a coat-fetish, then fire him too! We need Hotpants, short skirt, belly top, bordice for medium! something like that light armorskin.
Please make this armor available, now!!!!! its the only one (armorskin) that i want for my female mesmer and necromancer. And add this armorskin to medium too.
its always the same. a-net (team) isn´t interested in fashion(-“problems”). that must be the reason why, we have so very much clipping bugs with armors. And so much crap armor skins.
specifically female light belly tops and hipsters or something for hip. the character have always a horizontal line on the rear. Or Asura cluture 1: shoes = clipping, “skirt” =clipping always with the lags. AND culture 3 (the worst) Head: clipping with ears an you have got a horizontal line on your head! between the two lenses. that´s funny, so much ingame money for this crap of clippingbugs? really? i have forgot shoulders with female asura culture 3 are always invisible. lol?
(edited by Akai.1274)
It was pretty much the same in GW2. I played an Elementalist and had a choice of Hydromancer, Pyromancer, Geomancer, and there was a 4th, but forgot the name. You had the same 4 armor choices for most of the game and every few levels you bought the next variant for your class which was exactly the same thing with slightly better stats and a slight change to the armor’s model.
I assumed it was exactly the same in all the expansions that I didn’t play.
So far from what I’ve played of GW2 it’s exactly the same. Only difference is you can find them pretty often as drops.
Thats what i said.
Really SUNDRY skins seems to be a borrowed word for a-net (particular by medium). In guild wars 1 you can get some different skins for your character in gw2 definitively not. That´s make me very sad.
how long we will wait for this armor – more?
(edited by Akai.1274)
i don´t want to wait any longer.
I know how bad you want that armor, Akai, as do I want this same armor set.
Thats what i said.
Really SUNDRY skins seems to be a borrowed word for a-net (particular by medium). In guild wars 1 you can get some different skins for your character in gw2 definitively not. That´s make me very sad.
That’s not what you siad. I said the available choices were worse in GW1.
how long we will wait for this armor – more?
A long time. It’s not going to happen. You MIGHT get something like it in an expansion.
i don´t want to wait any longer.
Then stop waiting. It’s not going to happen. Also, stop spamming your own thread about it.