Mob run through char. is behind ability- miss

Mob run through char. is behind ability- miss

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thorgrima.4613


I’m a new player so i have played only the thief and warrior any considerable amount of time and am noticing this a lot with the warrior greatsword abilities. There are two that somewhat lock You into an animation and cause this to happen a lot- if i’m running toward the mob and it is running toward me, then many a time I’ve used an ability that is cancelled by player initiated movement, the mob runs through it and ends up in me/behind me and takes no damage- a wasted cooldown. It’s even more ridiculous with the 5th greatsword skill that has You running toward the mob and then uppercuting it. I end up running through it and missing the attack.

Mob run through char. is behind ability- miss

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Rush, the 5th skill on a warriors greatsword is pretty much unusable most of the time as it always misses, and many times it never makes contact with slightly bigger targets, at the moment it is usually used to travel faster out of combat until they make it more useful. As for hundred Blades, it’s well balanced because it’s pretty much the strongest attack in the game, you will need to learn to use it at just the right time, when you are sure that your target is standing still and won’t avoid it, immobilizing it beforehand helps a lot. Try using Throw Bolas or Bull Rush before starting hundred Blades, crippling it with skill #4 also helps. Another thing you can try is in the options, you can enable restrictions so you cannot walk through your targets.

Mob run through char. is behind ability- miss

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thorgrima.4613


Thanks. Will look into the restriction thing.

Mob run through char. is behind ability- miss

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thorgrima.4613


Yes, the restriction works. But the mobs themselves this mess up (i already had it turned on actually)