Molten Fused Gauntlets: Dye the molten area

Molten Fused Gauntlets: Dye the molten area

in Suggestions

Posted by: Six.8051


The new Molten Fused Gauntlets look great, however, the molten aspect of the gauntlets makes it difficult to match it with many other dye colors.

By enabling players to dye the molten area to match their current dye scheme, these awesome gloves will become easier to incorporate into their gear setup without standing out like a sore thumb.

Example images:


(edited by Six.8051)

Molten Fused Gauntlets: Dye the molten area

in Suggestions

Posted by: MissingL tter.8561

MissingL tter.8561

I am all for this, i wish I could dye them. Definite up vote.

Molten Fused Gauntlets: Dye the molten area

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fegonz.2037


i would love that up vote

Molten Fused Gauntlets: Dye the molten area

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Yeah,was thinking the same when i just had them,currently already not wearing them anymore..they get old pretty quick.Unless you have a flamey armor/weapon thing going on,wich i haven’t.It just looks a bit off compared to the rest of my armor,weapons etc.

Molten Fused Gauntlets: Dye the molten area

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


1) Will the particle dripping effects change as well?
2) What about the smoke color?

Any how, it is a very neat and interesting idea

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Molten Fused Gauntlets: Dye the molten area

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aethyl.7519


A nice idea indeed, I would gladly welcome such a change.