Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keal Mindblaster.5783

Keal Mindblaster.5783

Before I start I want to cite you, Anet: We want the players to have fun, death shouldn’t be as bad as in other games and traveling costs will be moderate.

Ok, have a look at the status quo:

2 days ago I did Caudecus with a couple of friends, explorer mode, task: Find the Seraphs.
Group compilation: 2 Rangers lvl 69 and 80, 1 Engineer lvl 70 (me), 1 Guardian Lvl 70 and an Elementalist lvl 65
Required lvl: 45
Items gained: all Blue Crap
Money earned: -5 Silver
This is where my criticism starts. Repair costs are INSANE. I played 2 hours, we got to the completely imbalanced end boss (how won’t you die in that fight? Once he focuses on, you are dead within seconds) and I ended up repairing my broken armor 2 times. ALL Parts. Not included the smaller repairs I had to do before.
So…where is this not frustrating? I experienced the same in Ascalonian Catacombs with the Asura quest where you have to collect Essence. I do not complain about difficulty at all. I want it to be hard, I want it to last 2 hours, I want to have a challenge.
BUT Bosses must allow tactics (I haven’t found an effective one for the ‘Blinkaround-beinvisible-poisoneveryone-makeredcircleseverywhere-ikillyouwithtwostrikes-Boss’ in Caudecus yet), but all that is irrelevant if you spend money instead of actually earning it. This is FRUSTRATING…exactly what you didn’t want it to be. 10 Silver means I have to participate in at least 5 or 6 Events in a lvl 60 Area to get this money back…but to travel there I spend another 2 Silver. I absolutely understand you have to keep an eye on the amount of money that is in the game…but please do it in a way that does not frustrate players that much. Traveling and Repair Costs seem so absolutely senseless when you have played Guild Wars 1 before. On lower levels it was sometimes cheaper to buy a new armor at the Trading Post instead of repairing it…a clear sign of a broken game mechanic to me.

So my absolute clear suggestion:

Completely REMOVE Repair and Traveling Costs. Having to get back to the Repair-Anvil and HP-reduction is enough penalty for death as the boss you fought might just have fully regenerated .

Traveling costs of that height limit the will to play together or to ‘help someone quickly’ as you have to play for a minimum of 15 or more minutes just to get that money back you actually wanted to spend on a piece of armor or something. And
they introduce stupid repetitive actions. When I want to get back to a city I always ‘Travel to the mists’ then go to the portal to Lions Arch and then I use the Portals there to get to my destination city. Stupid and long way to do it…but better than paying 2 or more Silver for traveling. I thougth that where things Anet didn’t want to do with Guildwars 2. I hope you read this and do something about it and other opinions are very very welcome.

And to be nice in the end: I enjoy the game a lot, I honor the hard work behind it…but keep this work up, it is still needed!

Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


A lot of the stuff I would have to agree with here. At level 80, traveling from one place to another can be an easy 2+ silver. When offering to help a Guild Member or something, I almost regret my decision because getting to where they are is going to cost me 3+ Silver. For Traveling, I would like it to be like a set cost at level 80 or something. Like 1s 50c to WP anywhere.

The Repair aspect, should stay just because you are taking a beating in the world/dungeons. HOWEVER, I do agree they can be nerfed for situations like Explore Mode. (Don’t even get me started). Explore can be BRUTAL on a group, making everyone spend a lot more money and end up coming up short when finishing the Explore.

Just my thoughts on it. Cheers.

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paladin.5268


I understand the frustrations in travel fees scaling up with your level, and at 80 we do spend 2-3s for longer some jumps. The other side of this coin though, is that we can earn this back very quickly through an event participation, finding a few items off mobs we can sell to the vendor or break down for resources that sell for a good amount.

Regarding dungeon costs and repairs, I do not see this going away anytime soon, as Anet has specifically stated dungeons were meant to be hard. There are viable solutions that will minimize losses and deaths in every dungeon once you learn how to deal with the mechanics of the fight.

In one example the OP gave, Ascalon Catacombs, Asura path, I had a group that never did it before and completed it with very few actual deaths, as we watched, identified and executed a plan of action as we learned how things worked on the fly.

It can be brutal at times with some fights in some of the dungeons, I know, but I have also seen and spoken with others who have completed each of these encounters with minimal losses too, so it can be done. We just need to figure out the best way to make that happen.

Best of Luck!

Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Traveling costs really need to be looked at. They are indeed a little high, especially when travelling within the same zone.

As for repair costs, that’s something I haven’t had an issue with so far, although I’m only wearing rares and no exotics.

But then again, it’s still early in the game. People are exploring a lot, dying a lot, buying a lot of gear and leveling crafting skills. That’s all very taxing and thus Gold is in high demand. This will change over time, as people become more accustomed to the game and its mechanics.

Also bear in mind that ANet still has every intention of earning money from micro-transactions, which includes the sale of in game Gold. So they have an invested interest in keeping the value of money high.

Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoboKendo.8492


Traveling costs really need to be looked at. They are indeed a little high, especially when travelling within the same zone.

As for repair costs, that’s something I haven’t had an issue with so far, although I’m only wearing rares and no exotics.

But then again, it’s still early in the game. People are exploring a lot, dying a lot, buying a lot of gear and leveling crafting skills. That’s all very taxing and thus Gold is in high demand. This will change over time, as people become more accustomed to the game and its mechanics.

Also bear in mind that ANet still has every intention of earning money from micro-transactions, which includes the sale of in game Gold. So they have an invested interest in keeping the value of money high.

Very well put Dee Jay. Now we play the waiting game

80 Charr Guardian – Guild Leader of Solidus [SDS] on Yak’s Bend.

Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keal Mindblaster.5783

Keal Mindblaster.5783

As already stated, I absolutely support the idea of limiting inflation. I just said I find that paying this much for armor repairs is a frustrating factor which could be easily eliminated.

Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chronologist.9782


I don’t think they should change armor repair bill, I do support change of traveling cost within same zone though.

Money Frustration: Traveling and Repair

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Robert Hrouda

but I understand you’re upset. For all it’s worth I’m sorry, and I hope we can move past this.

XD yeah, sorry bro.

I feel the same way too, therefore I started to play more sPVP like 1 – 2 hours as oppose to my 4 hours enjoying the pve meeting new people socializing.

But hay you heard it from the man himself, I hope we can move past this

(edited by Rizzy.8293)