Month long Dynamic Event Thread

Month long Dynamic Event Thread

in Suggestions

Posted by: Logan.1458


Month long Dynamic Event Thread-

This would be a month long dynamic event which runs in 2-3 phases.

Basically the first intro of the story is a series of small dynamic events which will lead to the second week and the next phase. In the second week/half of the month there will be continuation of the events which leads to a series of dynamic events that end with a few Boss fights.

These Type of Events are good for teasing future Expansions as well as telling story/events that can overlap the existing game world.

They could even have this impact the world for another month/week where the aftermath is being fixed.


Month long Dynamic Event Thread

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dorpen.4653


Might be interesting I would be interested in seeing how xp/karma/loot would be balanced out for something like this.

Also not to be that person that brings up WoW all the time but something like this would also remind me of the big event for opening Ahn’qirajs (sp) gates. Not that its a bad reminder, I think that was fairly interesting.