

in Suggestions

Posted by: Icecat.4528


Requiring players to kill 50 enemy in wvw each month and do 7 FOTM segments each month – gets old and boring. Not everyone loves wvw, especially with the bugs, and FOTM gets very repetitive.

Can you please use some creativity and use a rotating scheme of determining which things are needed for the monthly? Try to keep it a bit fresh? It feels less fun each month and more of a grind at this point.

GW2 mods can fuck it up their cock sucking asses – Sieg heil you nazi fuckers


in Suggestions

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


But they do change out at least one monthly achievement every month…

Besides, they’re optional; you don’t really have to do them if you don’t want to.


in Suggestions

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


I agree, I don’t like doing WvW and just anet find it an amazing idea doesn’t mean they should try and force everyone into doing it. Yes monthly is optional and nobody is forced to do the monthly, but if you want to do it you’re forced into doing WvW – which may I add isn’t even PvE. Again with FotM, the fact that you have to do it every month if you want the monthly is so boring. Change all 4 of the tasks not just 2, make the monthly more fun


in Suggestions

Posted by: Icecat.4528


monthly is not truely optional if you need karma – and we all need karma. 10 jugs of karma is too much to pass on, making the “this is optional” a straw man argument.

GW2 mods can fuck it up their cock sucking asses – Sieg heil you nazi fuckers


in Suggestions

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


The ONLY thing that anyone would need an abundance of karma for is a legendary weapon. Nothing in this game is truly required, it’s all optional and plays on how much time and effort an individual wants to commit to it.

By the way, I have a couple hundred grand worth of karma, not including the bottles in my bank, and I have NO use for it because I am choosing not to pursue a legendary weapon; so your argument about us all needing karma is now null and void.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Folk.2093


50 people is nowhere near a lot, I kill 50 people in one day. Even if you despise WvW the achievement gives you a month to complete so divide 50/30, that’s really not asking a lot and the FOTM achievement asks for even less.


in Suggestions

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


Yes, it’s optional, as are many things.

The question I’ve been asking for a while, is why so many so vehemently oppose having WvW kills taken off the Monthly achievement once in a while.

And I think I know the answer.

“50 people is nowhere near a lot, I kill 50 people in one day. Even if you despise WvW the achievement gives you a month to complete so divide 50/30, that’s really not asking a lot and the FOTM achievement asks for even less.”

Ah. This isn’t a matter of it it being easy even if it’s something you truly despise doing, it’s people who do WvW/Fractals anyway and don’t want the freebie reqs taken away, cause then they might (gasp) have to do the very thing they tell everyone else to do and go do something else to earn it. But no, they want it handed to them on a silver platter (which, hilariously, is what people usually accuse us of asking for when we ask for them to be left off a Monthly once in a while).

Look, everyone would love for the monthly to be full of things they do anyway, but obviously that won’t work as people have very different tastes in what they enjoy or are willing to put up with, so no matter what they put on there there will be people who complain, there’s no getting around that. Which is why some of us would really appreciate it if they rotated more than just two of the requirements every month.

I do not mind doing extra work to earn the monthly, I do mind however when it’s something I intensely dislike. And WvW? I hate it, I loathe it, I despise it, I abhor it.
So yeah, it’s asking too much when it’s every stinking month.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon


in Suggestions

Posted by: BlackWolf.8605


you need 2 levels in fotm a month…
WvW is end game fun people are supposed to put work and effort into look at the achivements for WvW section …

Wolves of The Abyss [Wolf]


in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Ideally, it would be nice to be able to choose your monthly. I never have liked forced combines of PvE & PvP content to meet achievements. There are too many PvE players who don’t like PvP and vice versa.

Lately, I’ve just given up on the monthly. I don’t care for PvP and I don’t care for dungeon running, so WvW coupled with fractals all the time is just a sure sign I won’t even bother.

In a perfect world maybe you could have 30 or so options and click on 4 of them to accomplish to complete the monthly, but at a minimum it’d be nice if they’d at least alternate between a PvP and PvE focused monthlies.


in Suggestions

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


Monthly achievements aren’t really worth the hassle anyhow, IMO.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Asum.4960


I would prefer if the monthly would consist of more general things, like a lot of kills, events, gatherings and maybe something general like XP gain.

Since the monthly achievements arent a “challenge” anyway, why not just make them like a “you played the game for a reasonable amount of time this month so here’s your reward for sticking to it” thing!?

Forcing people into WvW or dungeons isn’t really fun (the WvW’ers don’t like to waste their time with dungeons and vice versa), neither is running to 30 jumping puzzles and so on.

But everybody who plays the game kills mobs/players, does events, gathers some mats and gets XP doing so – at least if he “deserves” any kind of monthly reward for playing.


in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They gather stats when people play the game.

If they put that in monthlies, they make sure people will do that, and then they’ll be able to gather data from those things. Data they can use to improve them.
It would not make sense to put in the monthlies stuff they don’t need to check.
One can think of the monthly reward as something you get in exchange for “playtesting” the game for them.

Then again, the exact same thing gets boring, so I kind of wish they made achievements that would still get people to go to those places and do stuff there, without having to do those particular things.
Like “Defeat 5 different legendary bosses in the fractals” or “kill 25 different kinds of enemy in the fractals” instead “do any 7 fractals”.
Or “defeat 25 enemies during an event in WvW” or “participate in 25 events in WvW” instead plain “kill 50 enemies”.

No exceptions!