Monthly Renown Hearts, and improved rewards.

Monthly Renown Hearts, and improved rewards.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hellissane.3041


Reasons for the idea:

After getting the world explorer achievement, I felt that there is no point going back in most of the zones I’ve explored. The dynamic events would give lower rewards than in highest level zones anyway.

Now this is an issue in all MMOs(what i call “useless content”) – you complete the zone once just to get 1 or 2 one time things and never return to it, because its noting else is worth it. In GW2 this is even deeper, because you don’t even need to go in a zone to farm for mats.

I believe that this MMO, its closes to the idea “I just want do my own thing”. It has the sidekick system, the dynamic events gives more than half reward in lowest level zones, compared to highest level ones, no grind, etc.

The idea:

The main thing is: the hearts, a player have already completed to be repeatable every month(probably account based, not to go uncontrolled) with large “unique” rewards(so the players actually feel the need to go and complete them). For example, the Apple tree farm in Queensdale, to give the normal reward + 20 apples. Now this will fix the problem that you have no use in going in that zone(you’ll get some of the apples you need for cooking instead of buying them). Still the “useless content” problem isn’t fixed. Here is why: Every zone must have at least 1 heart which reward is worth something at max level. The max level zones will give for example 20 mithril ore, but can the apples compare to the mithril? No.
The zones need to have a scale up, the 20 mitrhil at max level zone must mean 100 apples at minimum level zone, or 50-60 iron ore in medium level zone.
The coin solutions(instead of big “unique” rewards to give amount of coin), but I’m not mentioning them, because they go in all possible ways i think of them in the “useless content” zone.
Also, these are just examples, don’t take them as possible solutions, as they are right now they’ll also cause major disbalance in the economy of the game. The rewards themselves can be from all kinds: in the examples – mats; but probably it can be a reward from the renown heart karma items(that’s no good, but anyway…); or even 1-2 level based random items(like a small reward chest), etc.

Final words:

Now i know how this sounds: Absurd, right? It requires a lot of effort to think of the rewards so all zones to be worth visiting every month. And this will take no less time to be implemented until next expansion pack. But i really think GW2 need something like this to be in the game, no useless stuff – everything to be useful, to fill in the idea “I just want do my own thing”, because the game is already designed on that idea, and in my opinion the game its holding its ground as good MMO because of this idea.

I know this will probably not be accepted, but at least let it be considered in some degree.