Monthly achievement-experience survivor

Monthly achievement-experience survivor

in Suggestions

Posted by: annielumos.6498


First, there needs to be a way to check ingame where you stand in the progression of this achievement (/experience or just /exp— ??).

Second, the wiki says the counter starts over if you zone anywhere or the game disconnects you—

That’s right…. you have to play endlessly in the same zone for a long continuous period to get ALL of the experience in one shot (and, needless to say without dying).

From that requirement alone, there are very few players who will be able to complete the monthly achievement, since one would need to have a high level character and need to go to a high level zone and be able to play for a long period of time.

After saying that, I do think that someone who is willing to put that kind of time and effort to get the achievement should get a really nice reward.

However, I think there should be reward tiers. You already have the tiers in place.

If you have been leveling your chars more or less equally, you won’t have any characters in the higher levels zones that reward higher experience where you would be able to get the high tier reward.

If you can get tier 1 in all categories, then you should get a tier 1 level monthly reward, tier 2 in all categories gives a better reward, etc.

The tier 4 reward needs to be exponentially better than the tier 1 reward.

Having the monthly achievement being rewarded in tiers would encourage more people to try for it.

Also, having a much better reward for the higher level players should satisfy those players that can meet the higher level reqs.

My two cents—

Monthly achievement-experience survivor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daniel.2743


It’s easy enough as you get higher levels, I got the first month when game was released done, just about. I also got this month done quite easily… around lvl 60-70 you start getting some high numbers of xp.

The rewards suck though, so do daily achievement rewards, first off they’re account specific so I can’t do it on my alts, secondly, the rewards in silver vary depending on level. you get 5s if you’re lvl 25 for a daily, and around 25s for being 80 and completing the daily.

And last of all the rewards are terrible just like every reward in this game.

Monthly achievement-experience survivor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

It takes less than 1-2 hrs to max this for the monthly by following events in an L50+ zone. I ended up getting this by accident by following a friend working on map completion: reached a new tier in one zone, zoned (forgetting I would lose everything), and then maxed in the next zone.

I’m not sure whether ANet intended for the game to reset your progress when you zone; I suspect they didn’t and this will be fixed as soon as more serious (i.e. game blocking) issues are addressed.

With regards to the other ideas, I like one and perhaps don’t understand the other:

  • You should be able to see current progress on the title: /xp, /experience, and /exp are good choices to show XP gained since the last death.
  • I don’t understand what you mean about tiers: the monthly achievement is a higher tier achievement; you get rewarded once for it. I don’t see that there should be four different rewards. (You can already get 30 lesser rewards by meeting the lesser requirements for Daily Achievements.)
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Monthly achievement-experience survivor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Not sure if that was just a one time thing but completing Ascalon Catacombs story mode gave 122k. The first event I did in Straits of Devastation(lv70-75) gave 10k exp for gold.

If you are aiming for completing the whole thing the WvW one will probably take longer. Not 100% positive but it seems like you actually need to land the killing blow/finisher to get points for that one.

/deaths in GW1 shows the number of deaths and the number of exp gained since last death. Not sure why didn’t carry over.

Finally a friend finished the monthly and got 23c on a lv80. The reward seems a tad bit short of ‘worth the effort’.

Monthly achievement-experience survivor

in Suggestions

Posted by: tzko.2370


Like probably the most people it took me a while to get it done the first time which was while lvl up. The second month (current one) I completed it in one day. Ez Pz