More Armor Customization

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


Make it to where you can transmute anything together, for example if we are a guardian but want a cool look with light armor we can just put the heavy stats but transmute it with a robe. Would create many many many cool customizations and it should be easy to do

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tehownya.3580


I Can See Both sides of this potential discussion, side A “I can Look like a Noble in these elegant light Gloves for my Guardian Because i choose her to be a Noble and i want to Look Accordingly” and Side B “How The heck can those Little cloth Gloves Give That much Armor? the Classes are Better Divided in Looks Because I really don’t want to mistaken that Elementalist as a Warrior in PvP”

I Love the Idea of my Warrior to Have the Pirate hat to go with my Pirate Runes yelling “Yarr!”. But i wouldn’t like the miss-identification of seeing that enemy Necromancer in the distance actually being a Warrior and then getting my Greatsword up and ready expecting some Minions or Heavy Life Stealing.

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


I Love the Idea of my Warrior to Have the Pirate hat to go with my Pirate Runes yelling “Yarr!”.

Did they fix that? Last I checked, my engineer was still yelling “For great justice!” instead.

But yes, I’d like cross-type armors in PvE—sPvP should be separate.

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tehownya.3580


They yell that Instead? now I’m not really looking forward to actually getting the other 5 runes

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


They yell that Instead? now I’m not really looking forward to actually getting the other 5 runes

Yes, I was terribly disappointed :<

Actually, I spent hours trying to figure out why it was happening and where this stack of might was coming from before I figured it out——THEN I was disappointed.

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


all i know is i want my character to look how i want him/her to look besides armor means nothing really to a powerful adventurer

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ascari.2839


PvP armour is already separate, so there shouldn’t be much of a problem to make PvE armour transmute-able into another armour type. Please note that this is a very uneducated assumption about how difficult or possible this would be to implement.

I don’t see any big issues with mistaking one class for another in PvE. I mean, right now you can’t tell if the hunk of metal fighting next to you is a warrior or guardian until they use one of their skills.

Furthermore, this game is build around the system that any class can take on any role. So unless you are one of those people who ask for specific classes and builds to do a dungeon it shouldn’t really matter. (and even then it shouldn’t matter to you if your precious power/precision elementalist is wearing a bikini or a plate armour)

Finally, if you really must know someone’s class for any reason whatsoever you could simply ask the guy in a leather trench coat what his class is. So far it has worked great on the server I’m on (Piken Square) if you see someone with an armour or weapon skin you like. Just ask what it is and 99% will answer you.

If it were put to a vote, I’d vote for yes because the more choices the better.
Reason 1: Sometimes you just want to look like something that isn’t possible with your armour type. This is mostly RP-related; e.g. heavy armour is more fitting for my background story, but I’m a ranger…
Reason 2: I find light and heavy armour more appealing. My top 5 armours in this game are anything but medium. If I could, I would have my Norn ranger run around in the heavy T3 cultural armour.

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

I’d actually like that. More customization = better.

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tehownya.3580


PvP armour is already separate, so there shouldn’t be much of a problem to make PvE armour transmute-able into another armour type. Please note that this is a very uneducated assumption about how difficult or possible this would be to implement.

I don’t see any big issues with mistaking one class for another in PvE. I mean, right now you can’t tell if the hunk of metal fighting next to you is a warrior or guardian until they use one of their skills.

Furthermore, this game is build around the system that any class can take on any role. So unless you are one of those people who ask for specific classes and builds to do a dungeon it shouldn’t really matter. (and even then it shouldn’t matter to you if your precious power/precision elementalist is wearing a bikini or a plate armour)

Finally, if you really must know someone’s class for any reason whatsoever you could simply ask the guy in a leather trench coat what his class is. So far it has worked great on the server I’m on (Piken Square) if you see someone with an armour or weapon skin you like. Just ask what it is and 99% will answer you.

If it were put to a vote, I’d vote for yes because the more choices the better.
Reason 1: Sometimes you just want to look like something that isn’t possible with your armour type. This is mostly RP-related; e.g. heavy armour is more fitting for my background story, but I’m a ranger…
Reason 2: I find light and heavy armour more appealing. My top 5 armours in this game are anything but medium. If I could, I would have my Norn ranger run around in the heavy T3 cultural armour.

Hey Now, I’m more on The Side of Doing the Higher Customization, I Was Simply Guessing what the Issue “Could” Be, because their will be an inevitable “Problem” With this Idea . The Skritt did more PvP than me

But I DO know this as a Fact! Some Armor types will Not mix well with others and would cause Horrible Clipping, As my Warrior I one time was curious what this Light helmet looked like and Saw that her whole Chest Disappeared, that was funny

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


thx for the support so far guys

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: OurDelusions.2635


no, i cant support this, what they need to do is MAKE better looking armors, cuz im just not satisfied by a lot of them -_- At least in guild wars 1, there were a handful for almost every profession that i liked…

End of Witty Comments. Semper Fi kiddies.
Don’t chase shadows, cuz you just might find whats in ’em – Cpl Braunsberg

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


doing this will make it to where we can customize it more til they do release more armor

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Yeah I made a post about this as well. I am not going to do any dungeons, because the armor sets just don’t appeal to me. However, some of the pieces I can’t use, I do like. Why should 2/3rd of the available dungeon gear be unavailable to us? Why lock us from content? Isn’t that against the philosophy of the game? Enabling the transmutation of heavy looks onto light armor and vice versa would give people many more reasons to do dungeons. Getting new looks is after all the reason why we are supposed to run them. Why then put bars and lock away 2/3rds of good content?

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: AlienMagi.7102


This would be a very difficult thing to implement in the game, since sometimes when previewing light AND heavy armor (or any other combination), the textures get completely bugged out.

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lamont.5973


I vote


to this.

I am so sick of nothing but trench for adventurers and nothing but butt capes for casters. My thief wants a shirt and my necro wants actual pants!

As it is I have found 1 fairly low level armor I actually like for each and keep using trans stones to keep the look on later armor – what’s the point of playing PvE if you never find any thing that looks better than what you had at level 15?

And, frankly, my war would kind of like that end level adventurer trench coat set from Orr to go with his cool rifle (rifle and chain mail just don’t seem to fit together)

So absolutely 10000000% yes!

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I think I should be able to cosmetically make my armor look like whatever I want it to look like. Let my thief wear a tiara. This armor should be cosmetic only (my town armor) and have an armor class of 0.

Then I can have my combat armor. There should be an option to automatically switch to town clothes/armor whenever I enter an area that does not allow combat.

More Armor Customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kirito.4158


Im personally fine with the clipping right now, why not just let it be done and worry about fixing the clipping issues l8er, just release the update and say sorry about the clipping it will be taken care of at a later date