More Asuran and Sylvari armors
Yeah! Something like “Tier 4” for each race and each armor type in gem store. I think I would pay more than they should cost if they will be good looking.
I agree. Everything is very human-oriented and it makes me sad.
I agree. Everything is very human-oriented and it makes me sad.
Most drops and all the crafted armor sets are clearly human in origin. Honestly it’s a bit odd that when say the sylvari come out of their pop they are given very human armor from NPC’s decked out in sylvari plant clothing (and then surrounded by sylvari decked out in plant clothing) . Similar can be said of the charr and asura. The vast majority of armor was clearly designed with humans in mind and then retrofitted on to the other races which isn’t terrible but it’s one of those touches that would have shown a more polished product if the base armor variety had considered the other races of tyria.