(edited by Tinni.4351)
More Order Based Quests
Yeah, it would be nice if we could do events for the order we’re in outside of the personal story. make them for lvl 80s who have completed the personal story I don’t know. It would be good to feel more involved with your order. Maybe we could have more order armor and weapons skins that we can unlock, food buffs as well. That would be a good place to create some more endgame.
(edited by Midnight Gypsy.9360)
((Warning: Post contains personal story spoilers.))
Personally, I think that at some point (after you retake Claw Island), they need to add in a secondary Personal Story line that you can focus on for a while. Make all the missions in it the same level, so you can do them all at once and not really “interrupt” the main Personal Story.
Each personal story should deal with the death of your mentor in some way.
Priory: Sieran was always fascinated with the stories of a particular artifact, and now a lead on that artifact has been found. In honor of her memory, you’re the one tasked with finding it and bringing it back safely. Naturally, it’s dangerous, and a lot of people want this artifact, so you have your work cut out for you.
Whispers: Tybalt’s old warband needs to be told of his death. You have to track down the ones that remain, and gather them on Claw Island to drink a toast to the fallen. During the remembrance, pirates attack hoping to grab a quick profit from the still recovering fort. The warband goes into battle one last time, and asks you to do the honor of fighting with them in Tybalt’s place.
Vigil: Word has reached you that a norn is boasting that THEY are the one that held off the risen at Claw Island while the survivors escaped. You track them down and discover that the norn in question is someone who broke ranks and ran during the fall of Claw Island, and he’s retelling the story with himself in Forgal’s place (but surviving) and painting Forgal as the coward that ran. It’s up to you to set things right and restore to Forgal’s memory the honor it deserves.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
+ 1 for more Order story quests
+ 1 for more Order story quests, I like these ideas.
also +1
I think the living story or some partial aspect of it should ALWAYS include campaigns of each order, not pact, to reclaim access to some region above or below ground.
For instance the Vigil could often have a war front pushing us into the northern edges of the map 1/2 a region at a time with like a constant meta-event going.
Priory could be digging into all the tunnels looking for evidence of Primordus and uncovering stuff about the dwarves and dredge.
Order of Whispers, geeze who knows. could be doing crystal desert recon or politics, maybe trying to setup exotic trade routes on unseen continents. Lots of possibilities
I don’t think orders should be (just) locked in stories that can’t fail, it feels very limited to me being locked into the story. It would be nice if the orders had dynamic events in the world as well. Anyone can take part in the DE, however, those who do not belong to the order would get credit as if it was a normal DE. Those that belong to that order with the DE would get credit with the order like as I said before new weapon, armor skins and so on.
Whispers could have a lot of spying, assassin DEs.
Priory could have a lot of DEs searching for lost knowledge.
Vigil would be a lot of fighting DE’s.
Example, a Whispers scout needs to be protected as he locates a lieutenant and kills him, paving the way for the Vigil to attack the camp, while the priory are off looking for knowledge about this enemy. All DEs can fail for the time being, anyone can join in all 3 no matter what order they belong to. Some of them might work together like that or apart from each other.
The living story would be a good place for them to work protecting Tyria.
PS I thought it might be good for lvl 80s but if it’s open to everyone and in the living story it should be really open to everyone bc you get buffed up in LS.
(edited by Midnight Gypsy.9360)
also +1
I think the living story or some partial aspect of it should ALWAYS include campaigns of each order, not pact, to reclaim access to some region above or below ground.
For instance the Vigil could often have a war front pushing us into the northern edges of the map 1/2 a region at a time with like a constant meta-event going.
Priory could be digging into all the tunnels looking for evidence of Primordus and uncovering stuff about the dwarves and dredge.
Order of Whispers, geeze who knows. could be doing crystal desert recon or politics, maybe trying to setup exotic trade routes on unseen continents. Lots of possibilities
I agree I have the same idea :P