More PVE content?

More PVE content?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alyena.8346


I need to start saying Anet did a greate job on pvp and questing, is awesome, but I miss the end ame pve content, there are a few dungeons for party runs that takes 10-15 minutes and soem random events with giant dragons that end up being DPS facerolls, not to mention personal quests is there any good reason to level a character to 80? The game I see now is pretty much based on pvp content only, you can’t base a game only on pvp, it gets boring with time, so what about think on a raid or give those dragons events a little more fun, like add many monster’s waves before an attack or something, force people use more than 3 skills for dps, make support, buffs and deffensive skills userfull on those events like it’s on pvp where a support guardian sometimes is more userfull than a greatsword dps….

More PVE content?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rise.9702


I would love this myself. I can’t even play WvW and the regular PvP doesn’t seem fun. [I’m more PvE than PvP by a long shot.] I’m just starting out but I do hope I see greater PvE content later.

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