More Pets for Rangers

More Pets for Rangers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neimu.8130


is there any plan to have more pets and animals to tame for rangers?.. like ettins bandits, gnawl etc.. i know a dragon pet is too much to ask ahahah. but more variety of pets to tame other than felines moas and bears..

More Pets for Rangers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Glyph.9064


I use the devourers, they hit twice

More Pets for Rangers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mak.7625


I would love to have pets like griffins, minotaurs, raptors etc

More Pets for Rangers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaiman.3150


Yes please!
And it would be nice if the disabling feature of the pets wouldn’t automatically turn them back on. For example in JPs the camera is going crazy already way too much, I don’t wan’t my chubby-tubby bear to jump in front of my face everytime although I was disabling it.

More Pets for Rangers

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


what they also need – nice appearance. I mean they are all terribly skinned and very boring. Thats something that Hunters in WoW were great at, so many different skins to choose from, rare ones were ALOT of fun to tame and the new one (Cata, Pandaland) even required different tactics to tame which i LOVED i spent more time hunting for cool skins then i did anything else on my Hunter it was ALOT of fun.

More Pets for Rangers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I’d like to have my rainbow phoenix back from GW1 !!

But i agree, the game needs more pets in overall.
Less pet reskins, more new pet types and also more extravagant pets like griffins, skales, raptors I do agree
Or sea turtles and dolphins for more underewater pets

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

More Pets for Rangers

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


I agree. more pet variety would be nice.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness