More Skins
I’ll second the notion that there is a creativity void, particularly in the area of armor skins/models. I’ve had a hard time with all my toons, but medium armor seems to be particularly tough. For example, I’ve been looking for something unique for medium leggings for my human female engineer. I previewed every cultural piece for my race, every dungeon piece, faction piece, and crafted/world drop pieces as well. Out of all of them, there looks to be about 4 different ‘silhouettes,’ most of which are very plain looking pants with a variety of skin textures.
1) The plain pants w/ varied textures (overwhelming majority)
2) The Duelist low cut.
3) The (human) T3 low cut.
4) The vigil underwear-with-stockings look.
None of these are really to my taste, and I don’t expect that devs should be catering to me particularly, or any other individual player, but more options would have been appreciated.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
I agree, particularly with Facepunch. Medium armor skins are pretty lackluster, with little variety between levels 1 and 80. That is, unless you have a longcoat fetish.
I recall from several months ago, buying some level 80 karma pants and recognizing the same skin I’d seen 60 levels earlier. I did the same with a level 80 breathing mask and it was the same bandit mask from like level 15. Out of curiosity, I decided to preview the heavy and light versions of that same mask. Now THOSE looked interesting and unique.
I’m dyslexic and thought this topic was about willies