More Town Clothes? Please

More Town Clothes? Please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tali Vaher.9387

Tali Vaher.9387

Okay so thinking about the recent Dragon Bash event and other events, myself and some friends came to an idea or request.

What if we had more town clothes available, maybe have some especially designed for in-world events/living stories or just some more in general, we have a lot of accessories, but not so much clothes and the ones we do have don’t look good on all the races.

Some of us love running around the cities in our town clothes but jsut want to customise our characters a little more.

What do you think?

i for one would love to see them as some in-world awards and some sellables, people buy them we know that, but give and give would be good too so not you dont have to fork out everytime, but get a gift once in a while.


[BAD] a casual PvX guild on Aurora Glade.
Hope is the possibility, Fayth is the ability.

More Town Clothes? Please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Personally I don’t like town cloths so I would say it’s a good step not to waste any more graphics time or developers time to make new ones since I never buy them, none of my friends bought even one and I rarely see anyone in town cloths aside from someone is playing with raiding broom or drill toy.
So in the end I just don’t think we need any mor cloths.